Larry - This is a great help!  Thanks.

John Denson, AI6A

----- Original Message ----- From: "Larry Loen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Prototype FAQ for vCom driver

This is, I hope, a pretty good start on a prototype FAQ file for understanding and installing the vCOM driver. Others could supplement this and then it can go on Phil's site as well as be included in the distribution. We could also include it on the Flex radio site.

What is the Multi-port Virtual COM driver?

It simulates multiple, physical communications ports. The idea is to pretend there are two physical ports and pass data, as if over a null modem, between them.

What has this to do with the SDR 1000 Software Defined Radio?

It enables programs that use CAT commands to operate the SDR without understanding very much about the code that implements the SDR. In particular, the SDR code that supports CAT makes the SDR appear to be a Kenwood radio.

Why can't I use the SDR's advanced features?

Eventually, you can. The Kenwood command set will be extended in ways we are beginning to devise in order to allow SDR-aware software to use all the features. This will allow experimental software of all kinds that don't have to integrate with the existing code on the one hand, or implement an entire radio interface on the other. In the meantime, many popular Ham Radio programs can perform generic control of the radio in situations where simple items like setting a frequency or mode is satisfactory.

Popular programs known to work include:  <insert list here>.

Does the SDR console need to be running?

Yes. The vCOM driver provides the ability for existing CAT software to "talk to" an SDR just as if it were a physical communications port. So, the SDR console has to listen and talk on just such a port and your existing software has to listen and talk on a different port.

What Kenwood Radio should I tell my software to use?

Eventually, it will probably be the TS 2000. Today, however, we recommend the TS 50S.

What COM ports should I use?

By default, it will use COM4 and COM5. On most modern PCs, and even fairly old ones, these are available. If not, there is a procedure for changing the port numbers.

<insert procedure here>

Is it fast enough?  What if my software sets a low baud rate?

It will work fine. Regardless of the baud setting, it will actually send and receive bytes as fast as it can.

How do I install the driver?

There are two methods.

The first is <someone insert the one I didn't use>.

The second is to execute the install.bat file. It will prompt you for a location for vCOM.sys.

Most users should use the one in folder objfre_wxp_x86\i386.

More advanced users (especially those wanting to do driver debug) can use folder objchk_wxp_x86\i386 instead. They also might install DebugView from .

Where do I download the software from?

<Insert Phil's web link here>

Larry   WO0Z

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