A few comments on the answers I got about the code Dan KB5My talked about some formal education As he took some classes in 1993, I was retired at the end of 1993, after 40 years with the ding-a-ling company my school daze were over, but thanks anyway.
Eric suggested searching for "#region" and Ken N9VV pointed me to Sharp Develop to look at the code, both good points and free. Bob and Jim talked about the IDE, but thats not a go because of the cost, I could pay to heat my house for a year if I went for the full MicroSuck dot net thing! And there is a lot of stuff in there that I just do not need! Steve, Jim and Bob talked about the rebuild to v1.7. This thing started about four years ago, first in VB6 then in C#. It ain't done yet, but it is real good! A rebuild will take some time, maybe a few more years! And MicroSuck dot Net 2003 is already three years old! As I may not be able to even see the screen, v1.7 is not in my future, I will stick with v1.6.x for now. I would like to point out that a rebuild might better be a whole new start from scratch thing, using what has been done as a quide. The good work already done is not a waste, and should serve quite well for some time. And I would like to see an IDE used that is not dependent on a company that wants to suck up every last dollar! Prehaps the first order should be to select an IDE that our kids and grandkids can afford, and would not expire every year or so! Thanks to All for your Help Bruce K3CMZ