Norman Vine writes:
> Several of us tried doing that with PPE but at the time not many
> agree with us that this was *needed*, and the project languished
> Note many of the features used in FGFS today are a direct result of
> additions made to SG and SSG to support things that PPE required.
> But why doesn't someone just write a .SSG exporter for Blender ??

The .ssg format is nothing more than a binary dump of the ssg memory
structures.  That means it's nearly trivial for ssg to read and write
this format, but it could be excessively difficult for other tools to
read or write the format.  Even the *tiniest* change to any structure
in ssg could foul up the whole thing.  There is no guarantee of
forward or backwards compatibility between plib versions.  By my
estimation it could be a very large project for a non-ssg app to write
ssg format.  I would assert that the best approach would be to write
some sort of converter that takes the blender data, builds an ssg
tree, and then dumps the ssg tree out in ssg format.  But that still
requires a way to go from blender to ssg so we are right back where we
started.  There is going to have to be some hard work done at some
level to make this work ... either with making blender speak ssg, or
making ssg speak vrml (or some other well supported blender format.)

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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