On Saturday 24 July 2004 14:38, Josh Babcock wrote:
> Peter Larson wrote:
> > Not sure this is the right forum, I'm getting coloured apostraphe shapes
> > around 200 pixels high on the screen. They appear to be related to runway
> > lights. They also appear while the sim is in the air.
> > I'm running Windows XP Pro with a Radeon 9200SE video card and Gigabyte
> > GA-7VT600 motherboard. Drivers all loaded within the last week.
> > Any ideas?
> > Regards
> > Peter
> >
> >
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> > Flightgear-devel mailing list
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> I also have this problem, and have been having it for several months, using
> many different CVS versions and several different fglrx versions.  You can
> make it go away by turning off enhanced runway lighting.
> Do you also get segfault s after flying at night for a few minutes?  I have
> this problem as well, though it started later (I think), but not by much. 
> I have no workaround for this one.  I have a few straces that all end the
> same way laying around from this one, if anyone is interested in looking at
> them.
> Also, with the latest ATI driver, I started seeing random ground vertexes
> shifted around, sometimes leaving entire ground polys up in the air, and
> many holes in the terrain.  These come and go as I move about and are most
> common over airports.  I haven't gone back to an old driver to confirm that
> this is in fact the driver, and not a coincidence of updating the driver
> and fgfs source code at the same time, though I'm pretty sure it was the
> driver update that started it.
> display: :0.0  screen: 0
> OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
> OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 8500 DDR Generic
> OpenGL version string: 1.3 (X4.3.0-3.9.0)
> Linux tower 2.4.22 #24 Fri Nov 14 19:34:40 EST 2003 i686 athlon i386
> GNU/Linux
> Josh

I get the same ground poly problems that you seem to be getting with your new 
ATI driver, except I've been getting them for some time now.

It actually only seems to be the airfield polys that are affected but you'll 
often see it with airfields that are a long way away, to the extent that you 
can't see the airfield itself but only the displaced polys as they sick up 
through the haze, sometimes to many tens of thousand of feet.

Are you able to fly at night i.e. when the sun is below the horizon?  If I try 
flying in these conditions FG starts but crashes once I get a few hundred 
feet in the air and I think this is also due to the ATI drivers.


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