Hi James
If you take this out of the automapping loop, the same applies for
individual mappings. Lets say I want lazy loading on in all my maps but
don't want to specify that over and over again. You can specify it in the
Visitor.Conventions. and it will apply it when you write your individual
mappings. So for example:

            var model = new PersistenceModel();
            model.Conventions.OneToManyConvention = o =>
o.SetAttribute("lazy", "true");
            model.addMappingsFromAssembly("Load Assembly Here");

That will work at the moment. Automap just sits on top of the normal code.
To better phrase my question, I was just wondering if anyone had any idea's
on a good way to handle conventions, as at the moment I'm struggling.



On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:35 AM, James Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Off the top of my head, I don't think we can de-generic those classes. We
> need the generic type definitions to create the Expression<T> parameters.
> I'm so out of the loop, but couldn't you have it where the onetomany
> convention gets registered into a list that all onetomany's use when writing
> their output, rather than just ones for that exact type?
> I need to spend some time getting my head around what you've been doing
> with this automapping/conventions stuff.
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Andrew Stewart <
>> Hi
>> I'm just looking over our convention logic. What I'd like to be able to do
>> is specify that certain things happen in all my maps, at the moment I have
>> the following working:
>> AutoPersistenceModel
>>    .MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Company>()
>>    .Where(  t => (t.Namespace.Contains("NamespaceName")
>>    .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<Task>( map => map.HasManyToMany<User>( t =>
>> t.Users ) )
>>    .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<Plot>( map => map.HasManyToMany<Service>( t =>
>> t.Services ) )
>>    .WithConvention( c => c.OneToManyConvention = m =>
>>                                                                   {
>>  m.SetAttribute("cascade", "all");
>>  m.SetAttribute("lazy", "true");
>>                                                                   })
>>    .Configure( configuration );
>> As you can see the bit in bold isn't nice at all. But it does work. What
>> I'd like to achieve and I'm sure the syntax could be improved slightly is
>> something more like the below:
>> AutoPersistenceModel
>>    .MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Company>()
>>    .Where(  t => (t.Namespace.Contains("NamespaceName")
>>    .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<Task>( map => map.HasManyToMany<User>( t =>
>> t.Users ) )
>>    .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<Plot>( map => map.HasManyToMany<Service>( t =>
>> t.Services ) )
>>    .WithConvention( c => c.OneToManyConvention = m =>
>>                                                                   {
>>  m.Cascade.All();
>>  m.LazyLoad();
>>                                                                   })
>>    .Configure( configuration );
>> Now here's my problem at the moment Generic Types.
>> Essentially the OneToMany is generic and I want to apply these to all
>> different types of entity maps, has anyone got a good idea on how to make
>> these none generic-able?
>> Maybe someone has some preset idea's on how this should be implemented who
>> can just overirde this entire conversation, and I'll just head down that
>> route instead.
>> Cheers
>> Andy
> >

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