Hi Gabriel
This sound similar to the problem I've had trying to make inheritence work

   .MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Company>().Where(t => t.Namespace ==
(map =>
                                                var mapping =
map.HasManyToMany<SiteRoleCompanyWithContacts>(t => t.SiteRoles)



 mapping.SetAttribute("cascade", "all");

 mapping.SetAttribute("inverse", "true");





On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:22 AM, Gabriel Schenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> @Andy: I'm a little bit lost... and need your help
> I can see what you are doing for things like References and HasMany. But
> the Component part is special in that it has an additional action of type
> Action<ComponentPart<C>> to be handled (auto-mapped). And there my problems
> start... How can I "inject" or "auto-generate" this action part?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Note: I think this component stuff is really important since in a decent
> domain model you will always have lots of value objects. And thus they
> should be handled as first class citizen by auto-mapping ;-)
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Andrew Stewart <
>> Hi
>> I've had a "very" quick look at what your trying to do, and here's the
>> problem. I don't see a reason why this can't be achieved, although we don't
>> currently support it - to add support you'd have to do something like below:
>> Modify the convention class to hold your convention and create a class
>> that can perform your mapping automatically, and inject it into AutoMapper
>> as below:
>>> i        public AutoMapper(Conventions conventions)
>>         {
>>             _mappingRules = new List<IAutoMapper>
>>                                 {
>>                                     new AutoMapIdentity(conventions),
>>                                     new AutoMapVersion(conventions),
>>                                     new AutoMapColumn(conventions),
>>                                        new
>> AutoMapComponent(conventions),
>>>                                     new AutoMapManyToOne(),
>>                                     new AutoMapOneToMany(),
>>                                 };
>>         }
>> You'd then have to modify create the AutoMapComponent class which will
>> implement the logic to automapping logic for a component. Which is basically
>> a class that implments IAutoMapper, you see examples in any of the above
>> classes. Hope that helps, if you manage to achieve it, please send me a
>> patch and i'll get it put into the trunk.
>> Cheers
>> Andy
>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Gabriel Schenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> I have now a working version with (code snippet...)
>>> .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<Person>(map=>map.Component<Address>(t=>t.Address,
>>>                     c=>
>>>                         {
>>>                             c.Map(p => p.Line1);
>>>                             c.Map(p => p.Line2);
>>>                             c.Map(p => p.PostalCode);
>>>                             c.Map(p => p.City);
>>>                             c.References(p => p.Country);
>>>                         }))
>>> but since I have many different value objects this cannot be the
>>> solution! I don't want to manually define all my mappings of value objects
>>> I wonder if it is not possible to define a convention for the mapping of
>>> value objects? Something like
>>> AutoPersistenceModel
>>>         .MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Person>()
>>>         *.WithConvention(c => c.MapAsComponent = type =>
>>> IsValueObject(type))*
>>> where the function *IsValueObject(...) *is a user defined function...
>>> would this be possible?
>>>  On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:37 PM, Andrew Stewart <
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gabriel
>>>> To be honest mate, no idea- as I've never actually done it with the
>>>> normal fluent-nhibernate.
>>>> However if fluent-nhibernate supports it then AutoMapper supports it.
>>>> Basically AutoPersitenceModel will map out as much of your model as it can
>>>> figure out by it self then it's down to you to provide the extra's. To
>>>> attempt to point you in the write direction it should be something like the
>>>> below:
>>>> AutopersistenceModel
>>>> .MapEntitiesFromAssembly<EntityName>()
>>>> .Where( t => t.Namespace=="YourNamespace")
>>>> .ForTypesDerivedFromType<Person>( map =>
>>>> {
>>>> /// Normal Fluent nibernate code goes here.
>>>> })
>>>> .Configure();
>>>> This is all from memory, so it's probably slightly off. I'll be in work
>>>> in the morning and can probably send you a more accurate example then.
>>>> Good luck, let me know how you get on.
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Gabriel Schenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> How do I configure my AutoPersistenceModel when using components? E.g
>>>>> Person-->Address
>>>>> where Person is an entity and Address is a value object (=component)?
>>>> --
>>>> =================
>>>> I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.
>>>> http://www.i-nnovate.net
>> --
>> =================
>> I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.
>> http://www.i-nnovate.net
> >

I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.

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