Hi Paul
When you get the base in place, let me know and I'll work on porting automap
over the top.


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Paul Batum <paul.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chad and I had a useful chat last week about the semantic model, so I have
> a direction to pursue. I will be spending some time on it this week.
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Dru Sellers <d...@drusellers.com> wrote:
>> +1
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Andrew Stewart <
>> andrew.stew...@i-nnovate.net> wrote:
>>> Yo
>>> It's good to see you've all caught up with  me ;o), by the way automap
>>> can do most of this already (disclaimer: there are bits missing)
>>> I'm all for this - Chad has hit it on the button, basically we need
>>> cleaner convention support, and to make automap talk to a semantic model
>>> rather than the fluent api, which is an absolute nightmare to work ontop of.
>>> However the fluent api is great for customising those instances where you go
>>> against the convention, so we should definetly keep it, it just needs
>>> re-engineering over a semantic model rather than the xml. The question is
>>> how do we move the re-engineer what we've got without doing a massive
>>> rewrite which I think would be bad idea.
>>> Cheers
>>> Andy
>>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Jeremy D. Miller <
>>> jeremydmil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> It's definitely going to be nice to do the one-offs as something like:
>>>> Customize(Action<SemanticModel>)
>>>> instead of having to translate everything to the Xml
>>>> Jeremy D. Miller
>>>> The Shade Tree Developer <http://codebetter.com/blogs/jeremy.miller>
>>>> jeremydmil...@yahoo.com
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Chad Myers <c...@chadmyers.com>
>>>> *To:* fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 12, 2009 1:38:45 PM
>>>> *Subject:* [fluent-nhib] Re: Rethinking Fluent NHibernate
>>>> We're mostly there, we have the starts of it, but AutoMap was build on
>>>> top of the Fluent API which has hampered it.
>>>> First, we need the semantic model.  Paul Batum said he'd have this done
>>>> by the end of the week ;)  j/k. We've kicked around ideas, this just needs 
>>>> a
>>>> champion to get the ball rolling.
>>>> Second, we get really serious about conventions. To the maximum extent
>>>> possible, all decisions and opinions become conventional.
>>>> Third, we'd need to take the existing automapping discovery code and use
>>>> it and possibly enhance it wherever it needs enhancement
>>>> Fourth, we expose the config directly and/or have an internal DSL for
>>>> making the one-off overrides and/or "more complex conventions" that depend
>>>> on multiple conditions being met for them to be applied, etc
>>>> -c
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com on behalf of Chad Myers
>>>> Sent: Mon 1/12/2009 1:36 PM
>>>> To: fluent-nhibernate@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: [fluent-nhib] Rethinking Fluent NHibernate
>>>> [Credit to Aaron Jensen for giving some great feedback and sending me
>>>> down this thought path, and numerous others who have complained about lack
>>>> of private/protected member support and for committers/contributors who've
>>>> been kicking around ideas and forging ahead with new ideas]
>>>> What if we took the convention stuff all the way to 11?
>>>> What if you could point FNH at your assembl(y|ies) and give it some
>>>> criteria (i.e. everything in namespace FOO, that derives from type
>>>> BaseEntity, etc) and it would discover all your entities that need mapped?
>>>> What if FNH would discover all the public properties and public/private
>>>> fields and could make reasonable guesses about how those should be mapped?
>>>> What if you could guide it conventionally to figure out how to map the
>>>> tricky parts?
>>>> Lasty, for very complex things, you could dip down to specifics.
>>>> I'm imaginging something like:
>>>> Dear Fluent NHibernate:
>>>> Please discover all my entities which are located in my "Core" assembly,
>>>> in all namespaces under the namespace ending with "Domain", and which 
>>>> derive
>>>> from my BaseEntity class.
>>>> You should know:
>>>> * All my entities have an "Id" property and should be mapped using the
>>>> hi/lo + guid.comb generators
>>>> * All my table names are the pluralized form of the entities names
>>>> preceeded with "t_"
>>>> * All my foreign key names start with "fk_"
>>>> * All my many-to-many join tables have the format "mtm_A_B" where A and
>>>> B are the pluralized form of the entity names
>>>> * (etc, etc, etc)
>>>> Also, if you come across an apparent relationship between Contact and
>>>> Site, map it as a OTM to an intermediate table (using entity
>>>> ContactSiteRole) and then an MTO to the other side (blah blah blah)
>>>> If you come across a relationship involving EntityA and EntityB, map it
>>>> like this...
>>>> By the way, I'd like you to make all OTM's "Cascade All" except for
>>>> relationships involving EntityF and EntityQ.
>>>> (and so forth)
>>>> -c
>>> --
>>> =================
>>> I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.
>>> http://www.i-nnovate.net
> >

I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.

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