I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to map this mess of a 
hierarchy. This is a six-table hierarchy with parent, parent-to-child linking 
table, and four child tables in a poorly attempted one-to-one mapping.

Id (int identity)

Id (foreign key to Parent.Id)
ChildType (enum 1=ChildA, 2=ChildB, 3=ChildC, 4=ChildD)

Id (foreign key to Link.Id)
ChildType (foreign key to Link.ChildType, constrained value must be 1)

ChildType (constrained value must be 2)

ChildType (constrained value must be 3)

ChildType (constrained value must be 4)

This hierarchy is riddled with issues:

1. Parent.Id is an identity key that has to be replicated into Link.Id and 
Child[A-D].Id. I think this means I'll have to manually replicate the identity 
key into the link and child classes. It's ugly but I don't really see a good 
clean way to handle it.

2. Only one of the child types can be instantiated for any parent. In other 
words, if Link.ChildType=1 the only class that can be assigned to Link.Child is 
ChildA. The developer and DBA that created this mess years ago claims the 
parent-to-child linking table allows creating only one child type but the 
primary key/foreign key relationships blow that theory right out of the water.

3. Most of the fields in each child class are identical... code reuse via the 
copy-paste method apparently. If possible, I would like to handle the shared 
fields in an abstract base class with a class structure as follows:

public class Parent
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public Link Link { get; set; }

public class Link
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ChildType ChildType { get; set; }
    public Child Child { get; set; }

public abstract class Child
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ChildType ChildType { get; set; }
    // blah blah

public class ChildA : Child
    // blah blah

The relationship from Parent to Link seems to be a relatively simple 
References(x => x.Link) with some backing code in the repository/DAO class that 
replicates the primary key into the subsequent tables on save. If anyone has a 
better idea, I'd love to hear it.

Where I'm mostly stuck is how to map the child classes. I thought about perhaps 
trying to use a discriminator with a table-per-class relationship, but I'm not 
certain this is the right approach in this case.

My first thought of course was to recreate the table schema but I found too 
many external dependencies for this to be feasible at this point. My primary 
goal at this stage is to replace some of legacy apps using these tables with 
something more domain-driven. Maybe next year after we've migrated the core, we 
can investigate replacing some of the schemas with schemas that are easier to 
map and use.

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