Sorry Bill, I was out last night and missed your last message. Derik
Whittaker actually blogged very
your exact error message. It's basically saying you're mapping a
twice. Which in your case, is probably in this line:
References(x => x.Project).Cascade.All()

The WithForeignKey sets the foreign-key column, while the WithColumns sets
any additional colums. So you're essentially telling NHibernate that your
relationship is made up of two columns (a composite reference), but giving
it the same column twice. I'd suggest trying to remove the WithColumns and
see what happens.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 2:37 AM, Bill <> wrote:

> I tried a bunch of things but really don't have a clue what that error
> I am getting means. Maybe if I could see an example of using a HasMany
> and then the Reference back with the PersistenceSpecification I could
> make some sense of it. Not sure what else I might try. Any suggestions
> would be appreciated.
> thanks,
> Bill
> On Mar 22, 2:59 pm, Bill <> wrote:
> > I set Cacasde.All() on the Reference like this:
> >
> >             // Reference back to parent Project
> >             References(x => x.Project).Cascade.All()
> >                 .WithForeignKey("ProjectID").WithColumns("ProjectID");
> >
> > I get the same error
> >
> > System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Invalid index 6 for this
> > SqlParameterCollection with Count=6..
> >
> > Its creating the Project row in the database from the test.
> >
> > Here's my class map file
> >
> >     public class RouteObjMap : ClassMap<RouteObjNH>
> >     {
> >         public RouteObjMap()
> >         {
> >             WithTable("Route");
> >             UseCompositeId()
> >                 .WithKeyProperty(x => x.ProjectID)
> >                 .WithKeyProperty(x => x.RouteID);
> >
> >             Map(x => x.StartTime);
> >             Map(x => x.SlackTime);
> >             Map(x => x.VehicleId);
> >             Map(x => x.MilesTraveled);
> >
> >             // Reference back to parent Project
> >             References(x => x.Project).Cascade.All()
> >                 .WithForeignKey("ProjectID").WithColumns("ProjectID");
> >
> >             // Child List of Route Locations
> >             HasMany(x => x.lstRouteLocation)
> >                .WithTableName("RouteLocation")
> >                .WithForeignKeyConstraintName("ProjectID")
> >                .WithForeignKeyConstraintName("RouteID")
> >                .KeyColumnNames.Add("ProjectID", "RouteID");
> >         }
> >
> > And my test
> >
> >         public void VerifyRouteObjSaves()
> >         {
> >             DateTime dt = new DateTime(2009, 3, 20);
> >             var repository = new NHibernateRepository<RouteObjNH>
> > (UnitOfWorkFactoryInstance, vRADatabase.Default);
> >                 using (var transaction =
> > UnitOfWorkFactoryInstance.GetSession(vRADatabase.Default))
> >                 {
> >                     ISessionBuilder sessionBuilder = new SessionBuilder
> > ();
> >                     ISession session = sessionBuilder.GetSession
> > (vRADatabase.Default);
> >
> >                     new PersistenceSpecification<RouteObjNH>(session)
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.ProjectID, "12345")
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.RouteID, "R00001")
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.StartTime, dt)
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.SlackTime, 420)
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.VehicleId, "53LTL")
> >                         .CheckProperty(x => x.MilesTraveled, 34)
> >                         .CheckReference(x => x.Project, _project)
> >                         .VerifyTheMappings();
> >                 }
> >
> > thanks!
> > Bill
> >
> > On Mar 22, 2:42 pm, James Gregory <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hmm, try setting a Cascade on that relationship.
> >
> > > On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Bill <> wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi,
> >
> > > > I'm new to FNH and NH and have made some progress with getting my
> > > > classes mapped using Fluent. Then I found the
> > > > PersistenceSpecification. My question is that when I am just checking
> > > > against the properties of my class I seem to get the results I
> expect.
> > > > If my mapping class has a Reference back to the parent, I seem to get
> > > > the error:
> >
> > > > NHibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved
> > > > transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing:
> > > > vRA.Domain.Project.
> >
> > > > If I remove the
> >
> > > >            References(x => x.Project)
> > > >                .WithForeignKey("ProjectID").WithColumns("ProjectID");
> >
> > > > from my mapping file - all is well.
> >
> > > > If add the References back into my map file and then add a
> >
> > > > .CheckReference(x => x.Project, _project)
> >
> > > > in my PersistenceSpecification I get this error - which I can't quite
> > > > decipher
> >
> > > > System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Invalid index 6 for this
> > > > SqlParameterCollection with Count=6..
> >
> > > > I'm probably just doing something stupid. Any ideas would be
> > > > gratefully welcomed.
> >
> > > > thanks!
> > > > Bill- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> >

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