
I have an Account entity:

    public class Account : Entity
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }

        protected Account() { }

        public Account(string accountName)
            this.Name = accountName;

I'm trying to setup my entity so that it can have an (optional) parent
entity of type Account, and 0-to-many children of type Account. I'm
also trying to leverage the FNH automapper to have this work.

When I insert:
        public virtual Account Parent { get; set; }

the automapping works fine after I create the FK relationship in my

    int AccountId
    int ParentFk
    nvarchar(100) Name

However, when I also insert:
        public virtual IList<Account> Children { get; set; }

my S#arp Architecture CanConfirmDatabaseMatchesMappings test fails
with the error:

NHibernate Mapping Exception: Repeated column in mapping for
collection: MyNamespace.Account.Children column: Account_id

I've found posts for mapping trees using an HBM file, as well as
Fluent NHibernate, but I can't figure it out using the automapping

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