I have same problem: sharparch + Parent - child relationship with my
object tree that derives from Entity -> joined-class tables are not
As I read in this and "IJoinedSubClassConvention never called" post, I
added the  convention implementation as:


    public class JoinedSubClassConvention : IJoinedSubclassConvention
        public bool Accept(IJoinedSubclass target) { return true; }

        public void Apply(IJoinedSubclass target)


Then I updated my project with the latest build of FluentNhibernate
from the trunk. I noticed that   AutoJoinedSubClassPart class is
still is corrected:


    public class AutoJoinedSubClassPart<T> : AutoMap<T>,
        void IJoinedSubclass.WithTableName(string tableName)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


so I changed this into:


        void IJoinedSubclass.WithTableName(string tableName)


recompiled against NH 2.1 and added binaries to my project. I added
the new convention and my auto generator looks like:


public class AutoPersistenceModelGenerator :
        public AutoPersistenceModel Generate()
            AutoPersistenceModel mappings = AutoPersistenceModel
                // If you delete the default class, simply point the
following line to an entity within the .Core layer

            return mappings;

        private Action<AutoMappingExpressions> GetSetup()
            return c =>
                c.FindIdentity = type => type.Name == "Id";
                c.IsBaseType = IsBaseTypeConvention;

        private Action<IConventionFinder> GetConventions()
            return c =>

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a filter for only including types which inherit
from the IEntityWithTypedId interface.
        /// </summary>
        private bool GetAutoMappingFilter(Type t)
            return t.GetInterfaces().Any(x =>
                 x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() ==

        private bool IsBaseTypeConvention(Type arg)
            bool derivesFromEntity = arg == typeof(Entity);
            bool derivesFromEntityWithTypedId = arg.IsGenericType &&
                (arg.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof

            return derivesFromEntity || derivesFromEntityWithTypedId;


This however doesn't generate pluralized table names for my joined-
subclass entities, however either accept and apply are being hit for
the correct class!
I generate the schema like:


            var config = NHibernateSession.Init(
                new SimpleSessionStorage(),
                new AutoPersistenceModelGenerator().Generate(),

            // Generates tables from schema
            new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport(config).Create
(true, true);


I know it's a lot of code that I vomit here (extremely sorry) but I
wasted half a day on searching for the solution and I'm still stuck on
this. Could anybody point me where am I wrong ?
many thanks,
Łukasz Podolak

On 27 Maj, 12:10, Rui Silvestre <rui.silves...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> you have a point there, I have limited knowledge of FNH... work in
> progress...
> yes, I had the class convention and was thinking it would work,,, It
> didn't so I searched some more and found a thread
> ("IJoinedSubClassConvention never called") which explained nicely what
> to do. I downloaded the code from svn and found out that your patch
> was not applied so I did it, recompiled FNH, recompiled Sharp with the
> library and my project worked.
> this is a sensible point as I saw a lot of threads on the internet
> about this issue.
> thank you all for the help.
> On 27 Maio, 09:25, "Martin Hornagold"

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