
i am trying to understand how Inverse() should be used and how it can
somehow work in a Convention for the different join types in fluent

Does anyone have an example of a typical implementation of how to use
Inverse ? Or is there no typical pattern of how it should be used ?

I am having some difficulties figuring out how it should be used.
As I understand it, Inverse() assigns the resposibility of saving the
object to the other end of the join, which is also mentioned on the
Fluent Nhibernate Wiki. Basically it means that the other side of the
join is the parent/owner of the other object/s ?

As far as i have been able to find out Inverse is always set to
"false" on both sides per default in Hibernate, and it is not possible
to set Inverse on the Reference mapping. Is defaults different in
Fluent Nhibernate ?
I guess in most cases the side with the HasMany or HasManyToMany join
declaration is the one responsible for the other objects so Inverse
should be set on the Reference which is not possible (- clearly i dont
understand it correctly).

When looking at the example from "Getting Started" on the Fluent
Nhibernate page i get confused because Inverse() is set on the HasMany
join declared for the Property "Staff" in the Store mappings.
But looking at the database diagram the Employee (Staff) table have a
relation to the Store table through the foreign key Store_id, which
means that a Store needs to exist in order for the Employee to exist,
therefore in my mind the Store object should have the responsibility
of saving an Employee object.

Fluent Nhibernate - Getting Started - 

I clearly must be misunderstanding something about Inverse.
Maybe it is the opposite of what i think? - That Inverse() should be
set on the side that is responsible of saving the objects in the other
end of the join ?

Or maybe it means something else ? :)


ps. i guess how Inverse() works is more a Hibernate related question,
but what i am trying to do is create a Fluent Nhibernate Convetion
using it "correctly".

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