Here is some status on my recent commits.

I spent a good portion of the weekend building FluidSynth using MinGW and fixing bugs on Windows. All MIDI drivers should support SYSEX at this point. In addition, the TCP/IP FluidSynth shell server works now on Windows.

One issue I have run into with the shell server though, is that it uses LF for line termination. This seems to be contrary to the Telnet standard (should be CR LF). I'm reluctant to change it though, since this could potentially break backwards compatibility with clients which use FluidSynth in this fashion. It means that Windows telnet, and likely other telnet clients, aren't as useful as they could be. It would be nice to just switch to using CR LF for TCP/IP shell access though. Any opinions on that?

I should probably test building FluidSynth in VC or some other non GCC compiler. I think there are probably still some issues there, but its nice to have it building with MinGW! I'll post some build directions on the FluidSynth Wiki at some point soon.


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