I can corroborate Ken's stories about extreme negative reactions to
and various negative consequences. One such reaction happened to me  and
a friend
of mine just last night.  He had agreed to help me in a Fluxus type
in April. When he told a long-time friend of his, a fellow artist, that
he was doing
this, the friend was bitterly opposed to him doing this. Their very
friendship is threatened. (He objected because of the Dada roots of

 I have many stories to tell how my art has influenced my status as an
professor throughout my career. The negative effects far outweigh any
positive effects my work may have had. Most administrators are poorly
educated in the arts, at least the ones I have been unfortunate to work
for or
with. My contract is being terminated where I work this year. As in all
previous cases, they give no reason. (I have taught in five college
situations. At Ohio State the sculpture chair was very obvious in  his
disapproval. I lasted one year. )

"Old Fluxus " may think we are trying to steal their thunder or "horn
in" on the glory
but I have never felt that to be the case. When I "enlisted," Ken and
seemed pleased to have me. There are many "sunshine patriots" listed in
the Fluxus Codex.
Others who have fought many battles are left out. -Don Boyd

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