Hey, you're the one who brought up the "definition" problem, not me! Thought you were
gonna slip that past me eh? No, of course no one defined Fluxus, from what I understand
the less defined it was the harder it was for anyone to coopt it- for me it remains an attitude,
not an ism. I think George Brecht once said "Everybody has their own idea of what Fluxus
is. That way it will take longer for them to bury us." So no, it is not so strange to me that there
is no definition of Fluxus.
Of course, nobody defined it. Why is that so strange?

Reed Altemus wrote:


Secondly, George Maciunas did certainly not define Fluxus.

To which I would reply: neither did or do you, Mr. Anderson, sir. In certain areas he

defined it well enough for me.


Reed Altemus wrote:

 Hey Eric,
members that none of the original artists from the Flux festivalsconsidered KenFriedman to be an artist. We all saw him as an agent and promoter. Andmost of Did it ever occur to you that some people on the list don't give a flying fuckwhat "the original artists from the Flux festivals" think?  In addition, what the hell havethe original aritstsfrom the Flux festivals ever done for me (besides, in your case,parading a kind of juvenile popularity contest on this list which I find very amusingconsidering that it was Ken and Dick Higgins who, with others, started the list)So Ken Friedman is a sociologist and not an artist, what's the big deal? Since I've foundhis past activities under the Fluxus banner interesting, why should I feel a need foryour or anyone else's "Fluxus" seal of approval. Besides, Eric, it was Maciunas whosaid that t! ! ! ! he artist should eventually be replaced by the Fluxworker, someone who hasemployment in another field (like sociology or folklorism or whatever) but who does Fluxus asan avocation. Artists were to be retrained for socially constructive rather than parasitic work. RA
--- Reed Altemus--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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