I agree with Tomas, it's more cleaner to remove all the data right
away. Therefore I suggest that we check for these kind of objects
during initialization and if such an class is (not) found, then we can
throw an error like "Run foreman-rake plugin:clean" to delete orhpaned

I am for (A) - remove all the data.


On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Tomas Strachota <tstra...@redhat.com> wrote:
> This issue is tightly coupled with plugin uninstallation and I think
> we should solve the two problems together. At the moment there's no
> standard plugin uninstallation procedure that would take care of
> cleaning up the system. This is something each plugin should provide.
> One thing (imho the less important in this context) is where we put
> such code. Should it be a rake task, part of installer, part of
> maintanance script, somewhere else?
> What I see as more important is to decide what data will the
> uninstallation process remove (keep all vs. keep only settings vs.
> wipe all) and how we want the plugin to behave if it's installed
> again. This will affect how we approach missing STI classes.
> I can see 3 options:
> a) Remove all data
> Plugin would remove all tables and records it created. In such case we
> probably don't need to change the STI behavior. Plugin uninstallation
> should take care of removing the data correctly. If it fails it's fine
> to throw exception to indicate the system integrity is broken. This
> approach is imho safer for us as developers and requires less
> defensive coding.
> b) Keep all the data
> In this case the original data should be present when the plugin is
> installed again. STI records without classes should be completely
> hidden in the default scope. If all records are listed we should
> return either instances of base class or some special class for the
> missing types. I'm afraid this approach is quite fragile and can lead
> to many surprises when a plugin is uninstalled, the foreman lives
> without it for some time and then you install it again. I'm also not
> sure how common is such usecase.
> c) Combination of a) and b)
> We can keep data where it's safe (like settings) and delete the rest.
> I'm in favor of a) or c)
> T.
> On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 10:05 AM,  <ssht...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> lately I was switching plugins on and off, and I stumbled upon an annoying
>> issue: Many plugins that add some STI classes (for example Katello that adds
>> settings, or Discovery that adds DiscoveredHost).
>> A problem starts when such a plugin is removed from the system, since
>> default STI implementation will throw an error if it can't load a class that
>> corresponds to the :type column in the DB.
>> I propose a custom handling for such cases, since they are not exactly
>> exceptions in our system design.
>> I was thinking about one of the following options to handle this case, and
>> would like to see a voting which one you prefer. Of course other options can
>> be proposed too.
>> 1. Return a base class for such records (Maybe with an error already set)
>> 2. Return nil/some kind of special AR object for such records (will require
>> defensive coding while handling heterogeneous lists)
>> 3. Filter those records out with default scope (will require more
>> declaration in plugins, or more DB queries on system startup)
>> Any thoughts in this area will be much appreciated,
>> Shim
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  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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