
The following are ready for review:

https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9472 - plone.app.registry
https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9473 - z3c.form
https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10856 - plone.testing

They are all testable through the same buildout, since p.a.registry
depends on z3.form and plone.testing and I'm too lazy to crete three
buildouts. :)

This is in the 4.1 buildout under
plips/plip9472-9473-registry-z3cform.cfg. See comments in the file to
see which packages to run tests for (all tests pass here) and which
packages will eventually need to go into the Plone KGS.

Note that plone.registry and plone.app.registry point to branches
which contain some ZODB optimisation work. I've asked Laurence to take
a close look at this, since these changes were largely in response to
his critique. However, I don't think that should hold up review. In
time, I'll just merge these branches to trunk and update the PLIP

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