:Bernd Walter wrote:
:> I use -h -D in /boot.config
:> Today I wanted to boot with monitor and keyboard.
:> All I got was the first stage of the news boot loader on vga and seriel.
:> The prompt itself goes only on seriel so there wasn't a chance to switch
:> the console back to vga without a terminal.
:This is deliberate, FWIW.  The old bootblocks privately define
:RB_DUAL, and you won't find it in <sys/reboot.h> with the other
:flags like RB_SINGLE, RB_SERIAL, etc.
:For compatibility, the new bootblocks honor the -D option, as far
:as their own behavior goes.  But they don't pass RB_DUAL, as one
:of the "howto" flags, on to either the kernel or /boot/loader.
:So -D is preserved only as a backward-compatibility option (and
:therefore applies only to stage two of the bootstrap), and /boot/loader
:knows nothing about it.
:Robert Nordier

    Is there a replacement for this functionality with the new bootloader?
    I was trying to get duel consoles working on a rack mount machine a week
    or two ago and met with utter failure.  It was quite annoying.


                                        Matthew Dillon 

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