On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 10:29:21 +0200 "marco\.borsati...@poste\.it" 
<marco.borsat...@poste.it> wrote:
> Hi to all.
> My problem concerns NFS configuration. I'm trying to simulate a little 
> network using Sun VirtualBox in a Windows host and most of operations work 
> fine, but I've some problems with /etc/exports syntax.
> This is my current exports file:
> --
> /cond1 /cond2 -mapall=user1 pc01 pc02
> /usr/home -alldirs pc01 pc02
> ---
> When I type:
> #showmount -e
> I get
> /usr/home         pc02 pc02
> /cond1            pc01 pc02
> /cond2            pc01 pc02
> which is ok. But I wold like to use different "mapall" options for different 
> filesystems; for example, something like this:
> /usr/home -alldirs        pc02 pc02
> /cond1 -mapall=user2 /cond2 -mapall=user1 pc01 pc02
> which does not work: only /usr/home is exported. Or
> /usr/home        pc02 pc02
> /cond1 -mapall=user2 pc01 pc02
> /cond2 -mapall=user1 pc01 pc02
> Only /usr/home and /cond1 are exported.
> FreeBSD exports man page states:
> "Each line in the file (other than comment lines that begin with a #) 
> specifies the mount point(s) and export flags within one local server file 
> system for one or more hosts.". So, is it impossible to export different 
> directories to different users using mapping?
> Thanks. Sorry for my bad english.
> Marco

FreeBSD's exports implementation will only allow you to associate
mount options per local filesystem per remote machine, so this

> /usr/home        pc02 pc02
> /cond1 -mapall=user2 pc01 pc02
> /cond2 -mapall=user1 pc01 pc02

is correct, but only if /cond1 and /cond2 are different filesystems.
If they're the same, this won't work.

Maybe you do something clever with exporting nullfs versions
of them and adding those to exports, but I haven't tried that.

Brian Somers                                          <br...@awfulhak.org>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !               <br...@freebsd.org>
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