Hi Fatemeh,

On 11 Jun 2018, at 7:51, Fatemeh Mehdizadeh wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using pf to create nat. I'm on FreeBSD9.2.
Note that FreeBSD 9.2 is not a supported version. It went out of support at the end of 2014.
(See https://www.freebsd.org/security/unsupported.html)

I would strongly recommend upgrading to a supported version:

I want enable logs for
nat translations, so
in pf.cpnf:

table <mytable> {,,, }
nat log on 'eth0' from {} to any -> <mytable>
round-robin sticky-address

After ping request I have a log:
# tcpdump -t -r pflog
IP > ICMP echo request, id 4147, seq 0, length 64

pflog logs the entire packet (with a pf-specific header with information about the matched rules), so you can parse whatever information you want out of that.

The problem is that I want my log shows the source port and
destination port and NOT show id, seq and length.

You may get enough information by simply telling tcpdump to be more verbose:
# tcpdump -t -v -r pflog

(Repeat the ā€˜-vā€™ flag for even more information.)

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