On Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:44:52 CEST Ermal Luçi wrote:

> If you really want to spend time on it, the best option is to pull out the
> pool concept used by the rules/nat... and manage it outside of the
> rules/states but in its own module referenced by the former ones.

Do you mean as separate kernel module? Or totally outside of kernel? I was 
considering doing this outside of kernel by providing a weighted round-robin 
algorithm but that would still require most of the patches as for doing it 
within kernel, in order to get counters working for redirection tables and 
state counter per table element, which both are missing in kernel now.

> This would allow extensibility and propper reasoning about it.

It might be the late hour but I really don't see how it would be extensible. 
Please be more specific.

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