Dear Dmitri,

Am 07.07.2019 um 00:10 schrieb Dmitri Goutnik via freebsd-ports:
> It appears that Go build flags need to be passed down to `go build` 
> invocation 
> with MAKE_ENV:
> With that change, the build then fails later due to missing 
> statFileSystemType 
> func definition for freebsd:
> #
> internal/helper/fstype/fstype.go:7:15: undefined: statFileSystemType
> Which can be fixed by just copying the linux version (this probably needs to 
> be upstreamed):
> post-patch:
>       ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|" 
> ${WRKSRC}/config.toml.example
>       ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/config.toml.example ${WRKSRC}/config.toml.sample
> +       ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/internal/helper/fstype/detect_linux.go 
> ${WRKSRC}/internal/helper/fstype/detect_freebsd.go

thanks a lot for your help!
Without your help the upgrade to www/gitlab-ce 12.0.3 would not have
been possible.
This go stuff is really not that simple.

I reported the upstream change here:

Gitlab-ce 12.0.3 is now commited ;)

Thanks again.



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
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