On Tuesday 23 July 2002 01:13 am, Steve Wingate wrote:
| On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 21:35, Mark B wrote:
| > OK I know I did something wrong, but with little chance to correct the
| > system, with error messages spewing out at a blinding rate, I hit the
| > reset button then fsck the disks on boot, then edit the fstab to block
| > off all but the basic fs needed to run. I see first error was a /kernel
| > msg complaining about netscape-linux write error, over 400,000 of
| > repetes, then everything got worse, is there a way to span the system
| > over 2 ide disks,

Of course.  If it's brand-new you might want to just re-install; you can set 
it up like that at install time.  But if you don't way to do that, just use 
"ln -s" to move things to where you have more space on the other drive.

For example, you might want to move /usr over there . . . just use fdisk to 
divide up the other drive and the use newfs to make a file system and them 
move some of your big stuff over there.  For example, you might want to "mv" 
/usr/local over there and then ln -s /overthere/usr/local /usr/local.

|  I have a 3gig drive and a 25 gig drive. I think my main
| > problem was running netscape as root. 8-(
| You must IMMEDIATELY cure yourself of the desire to run X11 as root for
| any reason. You can achieve everything you need to do under a regular
| user account by making good use of 'su' and the 'sudo' ports.

I recommend the "op" port over the "sudo" port.  More flexibility and control,
and easier to use.

Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . .   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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