On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 18:12:12 -0700
"Gayn Winters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm building a PC with my 10 year old niece.  Actually we are building
> several PC's out of junk parts that we have laying around the office.
> We are trying various OS's, including FreeBSD, on them. We are trying
> to get various devices to work: printers, scanners, sound cards,
> microphones, video boards, etc.  We're having fun (so far, at least.)
> She's learning a lot.
> I've been looking around for a web site (or two) for young girls
> interested in computers.  I came across LinuxChix.org (and its defunct
> special interest group BSDchix.)  It has plenty of female role models,
> but, like FreeBSD-questions, it is a little too advanced for my niece.
> Googling a bit hasn't hit any gold mines for her. But see below.
> Thus my questions:  any ideas for very elementary reading on computers
> for a 10 year old?  Any ideas for an appropriate web site for her?
> Anyone tried PicoBSD as an example of a "small OS"?    Can anyone
> advise me as to how much of FreeBSD I need to load before there are
> interesting games for 10 year olds in the games ports?   Other advice/
> ideas?
> TIA,
> -gayn
> P.s. found:
> http://www.kidsdomain.com/brain/computer/lesson.html

My grandson found the various chess games interesting, especially the
3D, rotatable boards.

You could also use the computer to host bulletin boards or chat rooms
that she and her friends could use.  The advantage here is that you
could control membership and monitor the environment to keep it safe.
If she's interested, she could learn the ropes of being a moderator.

Would she like her own blog?

Good luck,

Andrew Gould
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