Thursday, 11 December 2008 at 12:28:00 +0100, Wojciech Puchar said:
> >
> >The possibility here is the bells and whistles strangely enough DO work
> >in tune and without sore lips... FreeBSD could be THAT good.
> in bells and whistles windows is best. for those who require it paying a 
> bit for windows is not a problem.

Well, I've been using FreeBSD for my main desktop since 4.6.2. I'm currently 
running 7.1-PRERELEASE on a Dell laptop where everything works except the 
modem. I'm typing this whilst listening to the BBC radio through the iplayer on 
the net in Firefox (mplayer plugin). I can connect my Palm TX and Ipod without 
problem when I need to. My removable drives are automatically mounted and 
unmounted using the thunar volume manager under Xfce.

Personally, I don't see the issue with FreeBSD on the desktop - unless you need 
flash or nvidia graphics on amd64 (which I don't). But I suppose YMMV.


Peter Harrison.

> Those who need to do actual work, we have FreeBSD for example
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