Brice ERRANDONEA wrote:

I've just created my first FreeBSD jail in order to install a web server inside. But I don't know how to connect it to the web. When I try pinging a http website, it doesn't work. Of course, it works when I do it from outside the jail.

Another problem, probably linked to the first one, I can't run rc within the jail, even as the jail's root. It says : permission denied.

Here's how I built and started my jail. I had already run make buildworld when upgrading to 8.1 release :

# mkdir /usr/prison
# cd /usr/src
# make installworld DESTDIR=/usr/prison
# make distribution DESTDIR=/usr/prison
# mount -t devfs devfs /usr/prison/dev
# jail -c path=/usr/prison host.hostname=ServeurWeb ip4.addr= persist
# jail /usr/prison ServeurWeb csh

I guess this must be a very basic question but please help me.

1. ping is a security risk from within a jail and is disabled by design. (read jail(8) for details). No use using a jail if the first thing you do is re-enable ping in the jail. To test for public internet connection from within a jail use dig or whois commands.

2. Using the hosts firewall to drive traffic to a jail is a sign you have your jail incorrectly configured or do not understand how jails are intended to work.

3. Jail do not have a network stack of their own, so they cant have a firewall. The host's firewall and and network stack are in control.

4. There are 2 utilities for creating jails. Qjail the better documented of the 2, is designed for the novice which clearly you are. I strongly suggest you checkout

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