Ivan Voras schrieb:
> Peter Thoenen wrote:
>> Issue #1:
>> For some reason zfs_enable="YES" in rc.conf doesn't work.  It doesn't
>> seem to auto mount my zfs mounts which is a PITA.  Currently I am forces
>> (each time I reboot) to boot into single user mode, mount all my drives,
>> then exit, continuing into multi-user mode.  The interesting this is step 3.
>> 1) fsck -p
>> 2) mount -u /
>> 3) zfs
>> 4) zfs mount -a
>> 5) exit
>> NOTE: If I skip #3 and immediately do #4 it mails.  For some reason I
>> have to to a straight zfs call.
>> NOTE: If I immediately go to multiuser mode skipping manually mounting
>> not only does zfs not mount but I have to re-force import the tank pool
>> (e.g. step 3.5: zpool import -f tank)
> Did you create the zfs structures and file system while in single user
> mode with root mounted read-only? If so, this is a "known feature" and
> it won't be fixed: you need to a) mount root read-write and b) run
> /etc/rc.d/hostid start before /etc/rc.d/zfs start. To fix it, mount root
> read-write, remove zpool.cache file (if any) from /boot/zfs, run
> commands from "b" and then run zfs import -f until you have your zfs
> file systems online. Then reboot into multiuser mode - it should work
> now. Never modify zfs without steps "a" and "b", some combinations of
> such modifications lead to kernel panics or possible data loss.

I just rebuild my world and then kernel based on sources as of a few
hours ago. It had been running well with kernel and world as of Nov 22.,
but fails to mount the ZFS root with the new kernel:

ZFS filesystem version 6
ZFS storage pool version 6
acd0: CDRW <PHILIPS CD-RW/DVD-ROM SCB5265/TD15> at ata0-master UDMA33
ad4: 76293MB <Maxtor 6L080M0 BANC1G10> at ata2-master SATA150
WARNING: Expected rawoffset 0, found 63
lapic1: Forcing LINT1 to edge trigger
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
Trying to mount root from zfs:root

Manual root filesystem specification:
  <fstype>:<device>  Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
                       eg. ufs:da0s1a
  ?                  List valid disk boot devices
  <empty line>       Abort manual input

mountroot> zfs:root
Trying to mount root from zfs:root
WARNING: TMPFS is considered to be a highly experimental feature in FreeBSD.
bge0: link state changed to UP

As you can see, the ZFS root mount succeeds after manual entry of just
the value also specified in /boot/loader.conf. The file "zpool.cache"
has also been stable since initial installation of the system:

$ ls -l /boot/zfs/zpool.cache
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  908 Oct  2 17:33 /boot/zfs/zpool.cache

Is this a regression that occured between 2007-11-22 and 2007-12-13 ?

I know that automatic reboots (including mounting this ZFS root FS)
worked fine with the previous kernel!

I could try to export/import the ZFS pool from my boot file system,
but since this is a productive system, I cannot do this right now ...

Regards, STefan
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