Doug Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for the thoughtful insight and assistance in getting it 
> working.

  You're welcome.  No sarcasm intended, of course.

> I would like to point out that the default cofiguration did not work
> at all for me.

  See the FAQ, #4.11 for how to post questions about problems like "it
doesn't work".

> After many hours of trial and error I finally figured out how hints
> are actually implemented.  Neither the O'Reilly book or the man
> pages/docs provided that key understanding unfortunately.

  Yup.  I guess that the comments at the top of the "hints" file, and
the references in the "users" file to "hints" are inadequate as
examples of how to use hints.

> For those who might be facing a similar situation, here is what I
> found that works:

  Which is a cut & paste from the example configuration files, except
you're changed "Suffix = .ppp" to "Prefix = DUB+".  (and added a
number of similar entries)

  I know it's complicated and poorly documented, but there *are*
examples which are included with the server, and those examples *do*
work.  Once you changed your configuration to follow the examples, it
did what you wanted.

  Your previous efforts were in the spirit of trying to configure the
server based on how you thought it worked, and not based on following
the given examples.  As such, you were frustrated when it "didn't
work", as your expectations were misleading you.

  Alan DeKok.

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