"Nick Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I dont understand is why people post negative remarks to people when
> they ask any question. Is that not the purspose of these types of list...

  The purpose of the list is to help people who are willing to do some work.

  Many people post questions which are answered in the FAQ.  Many
other people post questions which are answered in the documentation or
configuration files.  Many other people post debugging output which
explains why they're having problems, and they still ask "why doesn't
it work?"

  The response to most of these problems is "If you're not going to do
anything to solve the problem, then we won't, either".

  A politer response is "You obviously can't read the FAQ or
documentation, so I have no reason to believe you'll read my response
on the list, either."

> If you feel that someone is not putting out the effort ( although
> you have absolutely no way of knowing how much time someone put in
> to something) then just dont post.

  I certainly don't respond to all questions on the list.  And in many
cases, it's obvious how much time someone put into solving a problem:

> Making smart or snide remarks or insulting someone is not
> accomplishing anything.

  Yes it is.  The people asking such questions are given incentive to
go do more work before asking questions on the list.

  Alan DeKok.

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