
i extracted from doc/tuning_guide that its good to have users in mysql but 
keep a default entry in users file. 
users file:
DEFAULT         Auth-Type := Accept
                Framed-IP-Address :=,
                Framed-Protocol := PPP,
                Service-Type := Framed-User,
                Reply-Message := default-profile
when im doing this every request is handled by the default, whether if the 
user exist in mysql or not. every authentication is accepted and all reply 
items are taken from the default entry. the rlm_sql module is saying:
rlm_sql (sql): User not found

when im doing the mysql query manually in the same way as the debug output of 
radiusd -X is saying it, then the user is found.

furthermore i deleted the default entry in the user file and put it the mysql 
as radgroupreply and radgroupcheck items. now a request for a existing user 
is correctly handled, if it exists and the password is wrong the request is 
rejected, if the user exist and the password is correct the reply items of 
the users are used, and if the user doesnt exist the default entry above in 
the mysql are used.
i think its better to use default entry in the user file maybe for faster 
finding and put all user specifiy entries in mysql like described in 

could someone say where is the problem with the above setup, why is the user 
found, when the default entry is in the mysql but could not found if the 
default entry is in the user file? is this generally a good idea what i want 
to do or did i missunderstood something? :)

thanks in advance,

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