Wisam Najim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After my Radius runs for some time (2 or 3 days with no crashes) I will
> start getting "Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id mm) for request
> yyyyyyy" and the message "Error: Dropping conflicting packet from client
> xxx:xxxx - ID: zzz due to unfinished request yyyyyyy".

  0.9.0 is old, and probably has a number of bugs which make these
problems worse.  I suggest testing the 1.0.0-pre3 release, to see if
it has the same issue.  If not, upgrade to 1.0.0 when it comes out.

> Incase of unresponsive child request would the thread handling it be freed
> or it will hang forever.

  It may end up hanging around forever, say if the database never
returns anything to the thread.

> I have checked the code documentation, It indicates that "Error: Dropping
> conflicting packet from client xxx:xxxx - ID: zzz due to unfinished request
> yyyyyyy" appears when the current request isn't finished. NAS send a new
> packet, while radius is waiting for a proxy response. In my configuration I
> am not using a proxy server though I kept the proxy option turned on in the
> radiusd.conf file. Can this be a reason for the problem.


  The same problem can occur when the server is talking to a database,
and the database doesn't respond.

  Alan DeKok.

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