Was this a copy/paste?  Look below in the radiusd.conf section.  You put

identify = "cn=root..."

instead of

identity = "cn=root..."

That would explain why you are trying to login without a username, as
shown in your debug output.

rlm_ldap: bind as /teste to 146.164.xx.236:389

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Anderson Alves de Albuquerque wrote:

> ldapsearch -x -b "dc=br" -h x.y.z.w
> But, I use radius to authentication. When I use ldapsearch all is okay.
> Look may config ldap:
> -----------------------------------------------
> include         /usr/home/andersonalves/work/radius/core.schema
> include         /usr/home/andersonalves/work/radius/gnugk.schema
> loglevel        296
> pidfile         /var/run/slapd.pid
> argsfile        /var/run/slapd.args
> allow bind_v2
> database        bdb
> suffix "dc=br"
> rootdn "cn=root,dc=voip,dc=nce,dc=ufrj,dc=br"
> rootpw xxx
> directory       /usr/home/andersonalves/work/radius/db/
> index   objectClass     eq
> index   uid             eq
> mode                    0600
> cachesize               2000
> replogfile      /usr/home/andersonalves/work/radius/log/replog
> -------------------------------------------------
> Look my radius config in ldap session:
> ----------------------------------
> ldap {
>                 server="x.y.z.w"
>               identify="cn=root,dc=voip,dc=nce,dc=ufrj,dc=br"

*** that should be identity, not identify.

>               password=xxx
>                 basedn="ou=users,dc=voip,dc=nce,dc=ufrj,dc=br"
>                 filter="(&(uid=%u)(objectclass=radiusprofile))"
>                 start_tls = no
>                 tls_mode = no
>                 dictionary_mapping = /usr/local/etc/raddb/ldap.attrmap
>                 ldap_cache_timeout = 120
>                 ldap_cache_size = 0
>                 ldap_connections_number = 10
>                 password_attribute = userPassword
>                 timeout = 3
>                 timelimit = 5
>                 net_timeout = 1
>                 compare_check_items = no
>         }
> ------------------------------------

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