Hello All,

I'm looking for information on what others have done in similar situations. What i have to do is copy the accounting packets from one particular NAS device to another radius server. I know i can use radrelay for this if i copy all the accounting packets from that NAS device into one file but here is my dilemma.

I am flat filing all accounting packets from the different NAS devices by IP then by date. Then once a day, i copy all these into a database for accounting/billing purposes. (yes i realize this is a little clunky but i lose almost no data this way, and the overall system runs faster, and i have a guaranteed backup if my database takes a major nosedive for the trashcan and the normal database backups fail as well)

To add to the fun, I'm about to have to start forwarding all (from all NAS devices) accounting packets to a web content filtering system. So I suppose the question is, will there be a problem running two sets of radrelay (one on all accounting packets, and one on accounting packets from just one NAS)? or is there a better way to do this and I'm just being blind?
Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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