On Sunday 27 March 2005 10:01, Jamal Taweel wrote:
> Dear All,
> Can any one explain this type of Info, and how can increase the maximum
> number of thread.
> "Info: The maximum number of threads (32) are active, cannot spawn new
> thread to handle request"
> Since, we used to RADIUS server with two oracle DB, and our RASs are
> programmed to send their packets to the two RADIUS servers, One of them
> generates this type of Info after the following multiple errors:

There are 2 thread limits that you need to know about. One if the radiusd 
thread limit which is in radiusd.conf in:
thread pool {
   max_servers = 32

The other one is in oraclesql.conf
sql {
   num_sql_socks = 5

You may need to increase both limits if you have large numbers of radius 
requests, however, please remember that a large number of threads will still 
not make the system work better if your backend SQL database is slow.



Peter Nixon
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