[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Seymour) wrote:
> The NULL realm caught it, but the Stripped-User-Name is not stripped of
> the stupid 'doze garbage pre-pended to it :(.  Observe:

  The DEFAULT realm *should* do this.  The NULL realm is "don't do
realms", which isn't what you want.

  Hmm... the reason the "hints" thing didn't work is that the regex
function expects '\' to be escaped, too.  This works for me:

DEFAULT  User-Name =~ "\\\\(.*)$"
         My-Local-User-Name = "%{1}"

> What rather astonishes me is that this either hasn't come up before,
> tho I have a private email that indicates something like it has, or
> that nobody's pursued it to the bitter end.  One would almost think
> that Unix/Linux + Samba + Wireless + WPA + (Free)RADIUS was an unusual
> combination.

  No, but having the machine name in the User-Name attribute isn't

  Alan DeKok.

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