
I just resubscribed to the mailinglist and found that topic unanswered.
You can accomplish that in two ways. One is with counter module and one with 
SQL which uses sqlcounter module.
The sqlcounter needs the experimental modules to be compiled in.
I use MySQL to store my users's info so for me the natural way was to use the 
sqlcounter module.
Follow this howto http://www.lh.freeradius.org/radiusd/doc/rlm_sqlcounter
If you want to use groups instead of adding individual attributes to each of 
the users, add e.g. Max-Daily-Session to the radgroupcheck table instead of 

INSERT INTO `radgroupcheck` VALUES 
Then add your users to the 02hours group.
Be sure to add Session-Timeout with the same value to the radgroupreply table 
as well.
An example:

INSERT INTO `radgroupreply` VALUES (1,'02hours','Framed-Protocol',':=','ppp',0),
(6,'02hours','Termination-Action',':=','Your Session Has Been Terminated',0),
(8,'02hours','Reply-Message',':=','Hello %u',0);

Works like a charm on FreeBSD and Linux.

My radius config for Linux:


M. Jessa

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