

I am using freeRadius 1.0.2, and I would like to limit weekly bandwidth for my VPN ( pptp ) users. So Ive changed the example counter part in my radiusd.conf


counter weekly_traffic {

                filename = ${raddbdir}/db.weekly

                key = User-Name

                count-attribute = Acct-Input-Octets

                reset = weekly

                counter-name = Weekly-Traffic

                check-name = Max-Weekly-Traffic

                allowed-servicetype = Framed-User



The counter works for it self – It checks the Max-Weekly-Traffic attribute in my ldap tree for a specific user, calculates the rest, but then it tries to add Session-Timeout attribute to Access-Accept packet. This is not working / attribute is not being added, and besides – it is the wrong attribute. Is it possible for the counter module to add the value, which is usualy added as Session-Timeout, as Session-Octets-Limit?




Edvin Seferovic




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