On Tue 26 Sep 2006 22:03, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Phil Mayers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All IP protocol servers should offer each type of socket a configurable
> > bind address (or list of such). That is quite aside from the specifics
> > of this issue - that is, it solves other, much much harder to solve
> > problems than just this issue, and is required for absolutely
> > deterministic behaviour.
>   Yes.  For 2.0, I wouild like to have a configurable "proxy" section.
> The difficulty is that it should really be configurable
> per-home-server.  That's a fair amount of work.

Yep That would probably be smarter than my hairbrained "Proxy-Source-IP" 
suggestion.. *needs more coffee*


Peter Nixon
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