satish patel wrote:

> User          AcctStartTime                        AcctStopTime
> abc       08/03/2007:01:30                      1/1/1900
> Now user can access internet and anything everything going fine but
> after when i stop radiusd proccess  and start it my user disconnected
> and he/she try for login in to cisco VPDN he/she got error access deny
> and i got some log  multiple user login
> Thu Mar  8 20:12:05 2007 : Auth: Multiple logins (max 1) :

Looks like the problem isn't FreeRADIUS.  The problem is that your NAS
is not sending (or FR is not hearing) the stop packets for various reasons.

You may need to write a cronjob that runs every minute that looks at
your DB to find "open" connections and then polls your NAS to verify
that info and update the DB with stop times if the session is gone.

FreeRADIUS is doing exactly what you told it to do.  Now go make the
rest of your system behave or fudge it as I have described.

Dennis Skinner
Systems Administrator
BlueFrog Internet
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