Yes I actually read the radius -X by myself, as well as doc about users and man 5 users, so I don't really understand why the following lines don't add attributes to the reply :

DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP
   Service-Type = Framed-User,
   Framed-Protocol = PPP,
   Fall-Through = Yes

Alan DeKok wrote:
Lucien RENAULT wrote:
Yes, I checked the Access-Accept packet with tcpdump/Wireshark and they
weren't any attributes.
Here are the radiusd -X lines ( password & shared keys are for testing
purpose only...) :

  The reason to use "radiusd -X" is to *read* it.

  In this case, it's telling you which configuration files it's using
when it receives the request, and which parts of those configuration
files it's using.

  Use the debug output to go read those configuration file entries, and
see why it's not doing what you want.  Also read "man users" to see how
the "users" file works.

  Alan DeKok.
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