> And so much more (peap is misconfigured, as is ldap,
> mschap auth type is gone, there is nothing to get
> the password from ...). That will not work.

I have fixed that; the copy that I sent you was indeed broken.  I can now 
authenticate using standard (non-MSCHAP) authentication against the LDAP 
server.  I haven't been able to get the radeapclient program working yet - it 
keeps crashing with an error that apparently was fixed in 1.1.5, but I don't 
have that version.

> And use current version. This is something old.

radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.1.3, for host i686-redhat-linux-gnu, built on May 
10 2007 at 12:30:17

This is what was provided when I did a "yum install freeradius" on a new CentOS 
5.2 box.  Because of the nature of the network here, I'm strongly discouraged 
from using anything other than Yum and the base CentOS repositories to install 
packages, since there are a dozen or so people here that all have  to be able 
to administer these machines over the long-term.  I'll try to e-mail the 
package maintainers for CentOS, but I'm not holding my breath.

Tim Gustafson
SOE Webmaster
UC Santa Cruz

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