On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 06:00:20PM +0100, Marinko Tarlac wrote:

> >Just one comment from a system management point of view: if you run
> >CentOS, meant as a stable production OS, you probably wants to care
> >for not screwing up your system.  Installing software without an
> >RPM, especially software that already is provided by the distro
> >itself, is the *worst* thing someone can do.

> Your opinion is not always good. In this case, you're wrong. CentOS goes 
> with FR 1.1.3 and it is few years behind 2.1.1

This issue was addressed in my second paragraph...

> Rebuilding Fedora packages is a NO-No for me because Fedora is a test 
> distro and it is good if you need new ideas, packages, test software, 
> etc. ... Using Fedora packages sometimes can produce more pain than any 
> other idea.

I do not suggest to use Fedora binary packages, but I propose to use
the Fedora src.rpm's as a base (often this is ok) for a proper new
CentOS/RHEL package for your own use.

Or what else?  Is just running ./confugure; make; make install (and
not using RPMs at all) better than taking a Fedora src.rpm to start with?

--    Jos Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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