Remove that Autz-Type := Ldap
> Done.

  Autz-Type LDAP {
> Removed too.

And the debug (a little bit long...) :

Wed Feb 18 16:19:31 2009 : Debug: Listening on authentication address * port
Wed Feb 18 16:19:31 2009 : Debug: Listening on accounting address * port
Wed Feb 18 16:19:31 2009 : Debug: Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Wed Feb 18 16:19:31 2009 : Debug: Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=199,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        EAP-Message = 0x0201000e0175736572766c616e31
        Message-Authenticator = 0xef16e42d1166597b57ffbf6e49dba74b
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 1 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: Entering ldap_groupcmp()
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: attempting LDAP reconnection
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: (re)connect to,
authentication 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: bind as
cn=bindradius,cn=Users,dc=test,dc=fr/bindradius to
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: waiting for bind result ...
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[files] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] performing user authorization for
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[ldap] returns notfound
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP Identity
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type tls
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [tls] Initiate
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [tls] Start returned 1
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 199 to port 1024
        EAP-Message = 0x010200061920
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a38d5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 0.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=200,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a38d5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x8257675be6f80dde0fe81eb7fb712afd
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 2 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   TLS Length 70
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Length Included
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 11 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     (other): before/accept
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: before/accept
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0041],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client
hello A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 002a],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server
hello A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 085e],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write
certificate A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0004],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server
done A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: Need to read more
data: SSLv3 read client certificate A
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: In SSL Handshake Phase 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: In SSL Accept mode  
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 200 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message = 0xa73082038fa0030201020209
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a28c5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 1.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=201,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a28c5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message = 0x020300061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0x4625cc197322be2f7f9a1de33a2ed834
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 3 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake fragment handler
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 1 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 201 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message = 0x77cc6c09edad3f38
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a18b5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 2.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=202,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a18b5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message = 0x020400061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0x7466c45cc1d04e38e135346a965be0cd
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 4 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake fragment handler
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 1 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 202 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a08a5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 3.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=203,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a08a5c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0xf294591e2fb17221e60051f0fa035d35
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 5 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   TLS Length 310
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Length Included
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 11 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0106],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client
key exchange A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read finished
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write change
cipher spec A 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010],
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write finished
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap]     (other): SSL negotiation
finished successfully 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: SSL Connection Established 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 13 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_HANDLED
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 203 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a7895c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 4.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=204,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a7895c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message = 0x020600061900
        Message-Authenticator = 0xcfe5f30b147257bfaa8a9ba54522c380
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 6 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Received TLS ACK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] ACK handshake is finished
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 3 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 3 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_SUCCESS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 204 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a6885c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 5.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=205,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a6885c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x9d4ea225d8a59c28e9785df917a5fd4d
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 7 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Identity - uservlan1
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x0207000e0175736572766c616e31
server  {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   PEAP: Got tunneled identity of uservlan1
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting default EAP type for
tunneled EAP session.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting User-Name to uservlan1
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x0207000e0175736572766c616e31
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
server inner-tunnel {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 7 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: Entering ldap_groupcmp()
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[files] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] performing user authorization for
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[ldap] returns notfound
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP Identity
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_eap_mschapv2: Issuing Challenge
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
} # server inner-tunnel
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply code 11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xc658eb46c650f13d7cba690c18bc218e
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xc658eb46c650f13d7cba690c18bc218e
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled Access-Challenge
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 205 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a5875c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 6.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=206,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a5875c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0xe73ae52a6990c5b814d0254587db95c9
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 8 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAP type mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message =
server  {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting User-Name to uservlan1
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message =
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        State = 0xc658eb46c650f13d7cba690c18bc218e
server inner-tunnel {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 8 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: Entering ldap_groupcmp()
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[files] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] performing user authorization for
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[ldap] returns notfound
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschapv2] +- entering group MS-CHAP {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap] No Cleartext-Password configured. 
Cannot create LM-Password.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap] No Cleartext-Password configured. 
Cannot create NT-Password.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap] Told to do MS-CHAPv2 for uservlan1
with NT-Password
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap]       expand:
--username=%{mschap:User-Name:-None} -> --username=uservlan1
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap] No NT-Domain was found in the
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap]       expand:
--domain=%{mschap:NT-Domain:-TEST} -> --domain=TEST
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap]  mschap2: 21
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap]       expand:
--challenge=%{mschap:Challenge:-00} -> --challenge=2e64abb777d66ca5
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap]       expand:
--nt-response=%{mschap:NT-Response:-00} ->
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Exec-Program output: NT_KEY:
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext: NT_KEY:
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Exec-Program: returned: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [mschap] adding MS-CHAPv2 MPPE keys
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[mschap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: MSCHAP Success 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
} # server inner-tunnel
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply code 11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xc658eb46c751f13d7cba690c18bc218e
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xc658eb46c751f13d7cba690c18bc218e
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled Access-Challenge
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 206 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7a4865c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 7.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=207,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7a4865c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0xbb95163fd7b7d4283108252c338271ce
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 9 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAP type mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x020900061a03
server  {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug:   PEAP: Setting User-Name to uservlan1
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x020900061a03
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        State = 0xc658eb46c751f13d7cba690c18bc218e
server inner-tunnel {
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 9 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] No EAP Start, assuming it's an
on-going EAP conversation
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns updated
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: Entering ldap_groupcmp()
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [files]        expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[files] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] performing user authorization for
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand:
(samaccountname=%{User-Name}) -> (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap]         expand: cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: performing search in
cn=vlan1,dc=test,dc=fr, with filter (samaccountname=uservlan1)
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: object not found or got
ambiguous search result
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [ldap] search failed
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[ldap] returns notfound
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[expiration] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[logintime] returns noop
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type mschapv2
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Freeing handler
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
} # server inner-tunnel
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply code 2
        EAP-Message = 0x03090004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 2
        EAP-Message = 0x03090004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Tunneled authentication was
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] SUCCESS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 207 to port 1024
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0xa38f45a7ab855c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 8.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1024, id=208,
        Framed-MTU = 1480
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "SWiTCH"
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        NAS-Port = 17
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
        NAS-Port-Id = "17"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-13-21-a8-24-40"
        Calling-Station-Id = "00-15-c5-06-84-d8"
        Connect-Info = "CONNECT Ethernet 100Mbps Full duplex"
        Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
        Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "4"
        State = 0xa38f45a7ab855c9dc391a3e151ac2bef
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x1fd2ae2da8674b69c17a770a1ad92c10
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authorize {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP packet type response id 10 length
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Continuing tunnel setup.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Found Auth-Type = EAP
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group authenticate {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Request found, released from the list
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] EAP/peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] processing type peap
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] processing EAP-TLS
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_verify returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Done initial handshake
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] eaptls_process returned 7 
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] EAPTLS_OK
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Session established.  Decoding
tunneled attributes.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Received EAP-TLV response.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [peap] Success
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: [eap] Freeing handler
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[eap] returns ok
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: +- entering group post-auth {...}
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: ++[exec] returns noop
Sending Access-Accept of id 208 to port 1024
        MS-MPPE-Recv-Key =
        MS-MPPE-Send-Key =
        EAP-Message = 0x030a0004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        User-Name = "uservlan1"
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Info: Finished request 9.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Going to the next request
Wed Feb 18 16:19:43 2009 : Debug: Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 0 ID 199 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 1 ID 200 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 2 ID 201 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 3 ID 202 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 4 ID 203 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 5 ID 204 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 6 ID 205 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 7 ID 206 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 8 ID 207 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Info: Cleaning up request 9 ID 208 with timestamp
Wed Feb 18 16:19:48 2009 : Debug: Ready to process requests.

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