On 25/6/09 13:11, Ivan Kalik wrote:
I have tested something like this yesterday - it doesn't. You can't just
replace Cleartext-Password. NT-Password and LM-Passowrd were created for
the "new" password and mschap module will reuse them, completely
"old" Cleartext-Password. They need to be removed or replaced before
mschap module is called again.
Writes the NT-Password and LM-Password values back to the control list of
the request.

But seeing as the values are just being stored in the control list of the
we can remove them using unlang.

authenticate {
      mschap {

Just for the readers of the list - the section is Auth-Type MS-CHAP not

Oops, yep Auth-Type MS-CHAP.

          update control {
              Cleartext-Password := "%{sql_new:SELECT<cleartext password
          mschap {
              reject = 2

Ah, so that's how you make if work.

Yep. Otherwise reject has a priority/opcode of reject, and the request is 
rejected ;)

              update control {
                NT-Password -= "%{control:NT-Password}"
                LM-Password -= "%{control:LM-Password}"

Yes, I had that lined up, but couldn't get if to work.

                  Cleartext-Password := "%{sql_old:SELECT<cleartext
password query...>}"

Ok, pap failover done this way now works. I can't test mschap from where I
am right now but I don't see a problem any more. My construction is
slightly different - I read only replacement password from sql assuming
that the usual one is pulled by regular sql queries (my scenario has
Cleartext-Password and custom attribute Old-Password both in same radcheck

That should work fine too.

So you can just swap out the first update control { Cleartext-Password .... } 
bit for a call to the SQL module. Though you'd probably want to put it in the 
authorise section...

So it'd be something like :

instantiate {

authorize {
        # Retrieves credentials
        # Sets auth-type mschap

authenticate {
        Auth-Type MS-CHAP {
                mschap {
                        reject = 2
                        # Remove stale password hashes created on first call to 
                        update control {
                                NT-Password -= "%{control:NT-Password}"
                                LM-Password -= "%{control:LM-Password}"
                                Cleartext-Password := "%{sql_old:SELECT<cleartext 
password query...>}"


Arran Cudbard-Bell (a.cudbard-b...@sussex.ac.uk),
Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Officer,
Infrastructure Services (IT Services),
E1-1-08, Engineering 1, University Of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QT
DDI+FAX: +44 1273 873900 | INT: 3900
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