Ok, i figured it out. I can change between Reject and MSCAP and it will work.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:55 PM, jon michaels <joniama...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Alan Buxey <a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk> wrote:
>> quite easy - you are forcing an access-accept on the initial packet
>> and you rNAS wont take that - it needs to offer the full challenge-response
>> and not just get a 'yes yes let them on'. if you remove that part where
>> you are setting access-accept and THEN look at the errors you'll
>> see where its going wrong.
> If i remove the 'testuser Auth-Type := Accept' completely everything
> works fine; the user connects and accounting updates are written. I am
> looking for an efficient way to remove the ability to connect without
> touching the password in the database. I searched through ppp and
> radiusclient documentation and source but don't see how i can achieve
> this the correct way.
> It will work if i insert and delete the 'Auth-Type := Reject' record
> for the user to achieve this. I just figured that changing the value
> from Accept to Reject would be a nicer way to do this.
> Thanks for your suggestions.
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