Randy Wilson <randyedwil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We anycast our FreeRADIUS servers and have had great success with this.
>> http://www.digriz.org.uk/ha-ospf-anycast
> Very interesting. Many thanks for that. May look into deploying this,
> especially for DNS.
The most surprising helpful and unexpected tool I got out of the 
deployment was the ease of being able to remove the service (unbound, 
freeradius, whatever) from active use by just sending SIGTSTP to the 
shell script daemon, and re-enabling it with SIGCONT...all on the server 
it's-self without having to interact with other 

It makes fixes problematic services during working hours, rather than 
during official maintenance windows, possible and trivial.  Another 
advantage though is that load-balancers are complicated and they have 
non-trivial failure states.


Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: You are as I am with You.

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