tonimanel wrote:
> I guess that it's normal but I would like to know it. I have configured two
> servers with robust-proxy-accounting model. My doubt is, when radiusA server
> writes a record into database, writes Its current time and then sends
> accounting packet to radiusB server (proxying). RadiusB server receives the
> packet and writes the record into database but with different time
> (obviously Its current time) (a few seconds of difference). This is correct?

  Possibly.  More recent versions of the server update the
Event-Timestamp && Acct-Delay-Time attributes.  They keep track of the
time when it was written to the detail file, versus when it was sent to
the other server.  The other server then uses those attributes to track
when the session really started.

> So, if I want to have the same data between radiusA and radiusB, must I to
> use copy-acct-to-home configuration model to get it?


  Alan DeKok.
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