ulislam.raihan wrote:
> Hi Alan ,
> The document says 
> "/The default destination of a CoA packet is the NAS (or client)
> #  the sent the original Access-Request or Accounting-Request./"

  Yes.  To the *IP* of the NAS.  But which port?

> So in the Access-Request it is mentioned as shown in below
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 57378, id=1,
> length=59 
>     User-Name = "testing" 
>     NAS-IP-Address = 
>     NAS-Port = 4200 

  The NAS-Port is *not* the CoA port.

>     User-Password = "password" 
> But then why it is showing "Unknown destination".  The log from the  radiusd
> shows below.
> Thu Apr  5 13:49:52 2012 : Info: WARNING: Unknown destination
> for CoA request. 

  Yes... because you didn't configure the shared secret for CoA.

> I have check with the netstat command in the OS  that a java program is
> listening to the port 4200.

  That doesn't matter.

> Do i have to configure the NAS client IP and port in home_server section of
> originate-coa file ?

  That's what the documentation says.

  Alan DeKok.
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