Hi Phil, Alan,

>Ok. ntlm_auth is returning something different to what I saw in testing. 
>Have you set the "must change password at next login" bit, as opposed to 
>"expired" bit?
>Try this:
>  1. Edit src/modules/rlm_mschap/rlm_mschap.c about line 1100, where it 
>   if (strstr(buffer, "Password expired")) {
>...to read:
>   if (strstr(buffer, "Password expired") ||
>       strstr(buffer, "Must change password")) {
>  2. Re-compile and re-install
>  3. Test again
>There's no great way to parse the output of ntlm_auth. I guess we could 
>make the string a regexp comparison against the output, and at least 
>make it an item in the config file (with a sensible default) so that if 
>more such cases come up, or Samba change their output, it can be fixed 
>without a recompile.

i changed the source src/modules/rlm_mschap/rlm_mschap.c, recompiled and 
re-installed it.

But it still not working. 
Why the passchange part will not handled ?

Here is the debug output:

FreeRADIUS Version 3.0.0, for host x86_64-portbld-freebsd9.0, built on Jun 13 
2012 at 10:06:56
Copyright (C) 1999-2009 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors. 
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License v2. 
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/proxy.conf
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf
including files in directory /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/wimax
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/always
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/attr_filter
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/attr_rewrite
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/chap
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/checkval
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/counter
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/cui
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/detail
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/detail.log
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/digest
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/dynamic_clients
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/eap
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/echo
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/exec
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/expiration
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/expr
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/files
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/inner-eap
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/linelog
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/logintime
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/mschap
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/ntlm_auth
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/pap
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/passwd
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/preprocess
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/radutmp
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/realm
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/replicate
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/soh
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/sradutmp
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/unix
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/utf8
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/acct_unique
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/policy.conf
including files in directory /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
including configuration file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
main {
 security {
        allow_core_dumps = no
including dictionary file /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary
main {
        name = "radiusd"
        prefix = "/usr/local"
        localstatedir = "/var"
        sbindir = "/usr/local/sbin"
        logdir = "/var/log"
        run_dir = "/var/run/radiusd"
        libdir = "/usr/local/lib/freeradius-3.0.0"
        radacctdir = "/var/log/radacct"
        hostname_lookups = no
        max_request_time = 30
        cleanup_delay = 5
        max_requests = 1024
        pidfile = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
        checkrad = "/usr/local/sbin/checkrad"
        debug_level = 0
        proxy_requests = yes
 log {
        stripped_names = no
        auth = no
        auth_badpass = no
        auth_goodpass = no
 security {
        max_attributes = 200
        reject_delay = 1
        status_server = yes
radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
 proxy server {
        retry_delay = 5
        retry_count = 3
        default_fallback = no
        dead_time = 120
        wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 home_server localhost {
        ipaddr =
        port = 1812
        type = "auth"
        secret = "testing123"
        response_window = 20
        max_outstanding = 65536
        require_message_authenticator = yes
        zombie_period = 40
        status_check = "status-server"
        ping_interval = 30
        check_interval = 30
        num_answers_to_alive = 3
        num_pings_to_alive = 3
        revive_interval = 120
        status_check_timeout = 4
  coa {
        irt = 2
        mrt = 16
        mrc = 5
        mrd = 30
  limit {
        max_connections = 16
        max_requests = 0
        lifetime = 0
        idle_timeout = 0
 home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
        type = fail-over
        home_server = localhost
 realm example.com {
        auth_pool = my_auth_failover
 realm LOCAL {
radiusd: #### Loading Clients ####
 client localhost {
        ipaddr =
        require_message_authenticator = no
        secret = "testing123"
        nastype = "other"
 client AP {
        ipaddr =
        netmask = 32
        require_message_authenticator = no
        secret = "**************"
        shortname = "AP"
        nastype = "other"
radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
 instantiate {
 Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
 Module: Instantiating module "exec" from file 
  exec {
        wait = no
        input_pairs = "request"
        shell_escape = yes
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
 Module: Instantiating module "expr" from file 
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
 Module: Instantiating module "expiration" from file 
  expiration {
        reply-message = "Password Has Expired  "
 Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
 Module: Instantiating module "logintime" from file 
  logintime {
        reply-message = "You are calling outside your allowed timespan  "
        minimum-timeout = 60
radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
server { # from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
 modules {
  Module: Creating Auth-Type = digest
 Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Linked to module rlm_pap
 Module: Instantiating module "pap" from file 
  pap {
        encryption_scheme = "auto"
        auto_header = no
 Module: Linked to module rlm_chap
 Module: Instantiating module "chap" from file 
 Module: Linked to module rlm_mschap
 Module: Instantiating module "mschap" from file 
  mschap {
        use_mppe = yes
        require_encryption = no
        require_strong = no
        with_ntdomain_hack = yes
        ntlm_auth = "/usr/local/bin/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key 
   passchange {
        ntlm_auth = "/usr/local/bin/ntlm_auth 
        ntlm_auth_username = "username: %{mschap:User-Name}"
        ntlm_auth_domain = "nt-domain: %{mschap:NT-Domain}"
        local_cpw = "%{exec:/path/to/script %{mschap:User-Name} 
        allow_retry = yes
        retry_msg = "Re-enter (or reset) the password"
 Module: Linked to module rlm_digest
 Module: Instantiating module "digest" from file 
 Module: Linked to module rlm_unix
 Module: Instantiating module "unix" from file 
  unix {
        radwtmp = "/var/log/radwtmp"
 Module: Linked to module rlm_eap
 Module: Instantiating module "eap" from file 
  eap {
        default_eap_type = "peap"
        timer_expire = 60
        ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
        cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
        max_sessions = 4096
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_md5
 Module: Instantiating eap-md5
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_pwd
 Module: Instantiating eap-pwd
   pwd {
        group = 19
        fragment_size = 1020
        server_id = "theser...@example.com"
        virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_leap
 Module: Instantiating eap-leap
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_gtc
 Module: Instantiating eap-gtc
   gtc {
        challenge = "Password: "
        auth_type = "PAP"
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_tls
 Module: Instantiating eap-tls
   tls {
        tls = "tls-common"
   tls-config tls-common {
        rsa_key_exchange = no
        dh_key_exchange = yes
        rsa_key_length = 512
        dh_key_length = 512
        verify_depth = 0
        CA_path = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs"
        pem_file_type = yes
        private_key_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/server.key"
        certificate_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/server.pem"
        CA_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem"
        dh_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/dh"
        random_file = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/random"
        fragment_size = 1024
        include_length = yes
        check_crl = no
        cipher_list = "DEFAULT"
        make_cert_command = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/bootstrap"
        ecdh_curve = "prime256v1"
    cache {
        enable = yes
        lifetime = 24
        max_entries = 255
    verify {
    ocsp {
        enable = no
        override_cert_url = yes
        url = "";
        use_nonce = yes
        timeout = 0
        softfail = yes
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_ttls
 Module: Instantiating eap-ttls
   ttls {
        tls = "tls-common"
        default_eap_type = "md5"
        copy_request_to_tunnel = no
        use_tunneled_reply = no
        virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
        include_length = yes
 debug: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_peap
 Module: Instantiating eap-peap
   peap {
        tls = "tls-common"
        default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
        copy_request_to_tunnel = no
        use_tunneled_reply = no
        proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
        virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
        soh = no
 debug: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
 Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_mschapv2
 Module: Instantiating eap-mschapv2
   mschapv2 {
        with_ntdomain_hack = no
        send_error = yes
 Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Linked to module rlm_preprocess
 Module: Instantiating module "preprocess" from file 
  preprocess {
        huntgroups = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
        hints = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/hints"
        with_ascend_hack = no
        ascend_channels_per_line = 23
        with_ntdomain_hack = no
        with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
        with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
        with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
 Module: Linked to module rlm_realm
 Module: Instantiating module "suffix" from file 
  realm suffix {
        format = "suffix"
        delimiter = "@"
        ignore_default = no
        ignore_null = no
 Module: Linked to module rlm_files
 Module: Instantiating module "files" from file 
  files {
        usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/users"
        acctusersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/acct_users"
        preproxy_usersfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
        compat = "no"
 Module: Checking preacct {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Loading virtual module acct_unique
 Module: Checking accounting {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Linked to module rlm_detail
 Module: Instantiating module "detail" from file 
  detail {
        detailfile = 
        header = "%t"
        detailperm = 384
        dirperm = 493
        locking = no
        log_packet_header = no
 Module: Linked to module rlm_radutmp
 Module: Instantiating module "radutmp" from file 
  radutmp {
        filename = "/var/log/radutmp"
        username = "%{User-Name}"
        case_sensitive = yes
        check_with_nas = yes
        perm = 384
        callerid = yes
 Module: Linked to module rlm_attr_filter
 Module: Instantiating module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file 
  attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
        attrsfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/attrs.accounting_response"
        key = "%{User-Name}"
        relaxed = no
 Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Loading virtual module remove_reply_message_if_eap
 Module: Linked to module rlm_always
 Module: Instantiating module "noop" from file 
  always noop {
        rcode = "noop"
        simulcount = 0
        mpp = no
 Module: Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file 
  attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
        attrsfile = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/attrs.access_reject"
        key = "%{User-Name}"
        relaxed = no
 Module: Loading virtual module remove_reply_message_if_eap
 } # modules
} # server
server inner-tunnel { # from file 
 modules {
  Module: Creating Post-Proxy-Type = Fail
 Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
 Module: Instantiating module "reply_log" from file 
  detail reply_log {
        detailfile = "/var/log/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/reply-detail-%Y%m%d"
        header = "%t"
        detailperm = 384
        dirperm = 493
        locking = no
        log_packet_header = no
 } # modules
} # server
radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
listen {
        type = "auth"
        ipaddr = *
        port = 0
        max_pps = 0
listen {
        type = "acct"
        ipaddr = *
        port = 0
        max_pps = 0
listen {
        type = "auth"
        ipaddr =
        port = 18120
        max_pps = 0
Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on authentication address port 18120 as server inner-tunnel
Opening new proxy address * port 1814
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=201, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x024b0015015a4f4f504c55535c6173646631323334
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x8c7ada2e1d18cc1f23c9920c78d3aca8
(0) # Executing section authorize from file 
(0)   group authorize {
(0)  - entering group authorize {...}
(0)   [preprocess] = ok
(0)   [chap] = noop
(0)   [mschap] = noop
(0)   [digest] = noop
(0) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(0) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(0)   [suffix] = noop
(0) eap : EAP packet type response id 75 length 21
(0) eap : EAP-Identity reply, returning 'ok' so we can short-circuit the rest 
of authorize
(0)   [eap] = ok
(0) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(0) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(0)   group authenticate {
(0)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(0) eap : EAP Identity
(0) eap : processing type peap
(0) peap : Flushing SSL sessions (of #0)
(0) peap : Initiate
(0) peap : Start returned 1
(0)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 201 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 0x014c00061920
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f9340379d95095c27e471c371
(0) Finished request 0.
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=219, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 
        State = 0x930c2e1f9340379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x05df0aead4255d6ea51dde0c23afb31c
(1) # Executing section authorize from file 
(1)   group authorize {
(1)  - entering group authorize {...}
(1)   [preprocess] = ok
(1)   [chap] = noop
(1)   [mschap] = noop
(1)   [digest] = noop
(1) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(1) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(1)   [suffix] = noop
(1) eap : EAP packet type response id 76 length 130
(1) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(1)   [eap] = ok
(1) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(1) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(1)   group authenticate {
(1)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(1) eap : Request found, released from the list
(1) eap : EAP/peap
(1) eap : processing type peap
(1) peap : processing EAP-TLS
  TLS Length 120
(1) peap : Length Included
(1) peap : eaptls_verify returned 11 
(1) peap :     (other): before/accept initialization
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: before/accept initialization
(1) peap : <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0073], ClientHello  
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client hello A
(1) peap : >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0051], ServerHello  
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server hello A
(1) peap : >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0cc5], Certificate  
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write certificate A
(1) peap : >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0004], ServerHelloDone  
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server done A
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
(1) peap :     TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3 read client 
certificate A
In SSL Handshake Phase 
In SSL Accept mode  
(1) peap : eaptls_process returned 13 
(1) peap : FR_TLS_HANDLED
(1)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 219 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f9241379d95095c27e471c371
(1) Finished request 1.
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=186, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x024d00061900
        State = 0x930c2e1f9241379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x6466c7912ccfa79c06a36fc1af9f6467
(2) # Executing section authorize from file 
(2)   group authorize {
(2)  - entering group authorize {...}
(2)   [preprocess] = ok
(2)   [chap] = noop
(2)   [mschap] = noop
(2)   [digest] = noop
(2) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(2) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(2)   [suffix] = noop
(2) eap : EAP packet type response id 77 length 6
(2) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(2)   [eap] = ok
(2) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(2) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(2)   group authenticate {
(2)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(2) eap : Request found, released from the list
(2) eap : EAP/peap
(2) eap : processing type peap
(2) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(2) peap : Received TLS ACK
(2) peap : Received TLS ACK
(2) peap : ACK handshake fragment handler
(2) peap : eaptls_verify returned 1 
(2) peap : eaptls_process returned 13 
(2) peap : FR_TLS_HANDLED
(2)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 186 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f9142379d95095c27e471c371
(2) Finished request 2.
Waking up in 0.2 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=210, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x024e00061900
        State = 0x930c2e1f9142379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0xc6bf7d0a64ded4d427400730c9f64a00
(3) # Executing section authorize from file 
(3)   group authorize {
(3)  - entering group authorize {...}
(3)   [preprocess] = ok
(3)   [chap] = noop
(3)   [mschap] = noop
(3)   [digest] = noop
(3) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(3) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(3)   [suffix] = noop
(3) eap : EAP packet type response id 78 length 6
(3) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(3)   [eap] = ok
(3) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(3) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(3)   group authenticate {
(3)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(3) eap : Request found, released from the list
(3) eap : EAP/peap
(3) eap : processing type peap
(3) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(3) peap : Received TLS ACK
(3) peap : Received TLS ACK
(3) peap : ACK handshake fragment handler
(3) peap : eaptls_verify returned 1 
(3) peap : eaptls_process returned 13 
(3) peap : FR_TLS_HANDLED
(3)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 210 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f9043379d95095c27e471c371
(3) Finished request 3.
Waking up in 0.2 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=64, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x024f00061900
        State = 0x930c2e1f9043379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0xdf19c2e6d02c9dc91e86aaa3922e4797
(4) # Executing section authorize from file 
(4)   group authorize {
(4)  - entering group authorize {...}
(4)   [preprocess] = ok
(4)   [chap] = noop
(4)   [mschap] = noop
(4)   [digest] = noop
(4) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(4) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(4)   [suffix] = noop
(4) eap : EAP packet type response id 79 length 6
(4) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(4)   [eap] = ok
(4) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(4) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(4)   group authenticate {
(4)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(4) eap : Request found, released from the list
(4) eap : EAP/peap
(4) eap : processing type peap
(4) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(4) peap : Received TLS ACK
(4) peap : Received TLS ACK
(4) peap : ACK handshake fragment handler
(4) peap : eaptls_verify returned 1 
(4) peap : eaptls_process returned 13 
(4) peap : FR_TLS_HANDLED
(4)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 64 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f975c379d95095c27e471c371
(4) Finished request 4.
Waking up in 0.2 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=60, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        EAP-Message = 
        State = 0x930c2e1f975c379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0xf7328527ad83d2d65ae600cee18db09c
(5) # Executing section authorize from file 
(5)   group authorize {
(5)  - entering group authorize {...}
(5)   [preprocess] = ok
(5)   [chap] = noop
(5)   [mschap] = noop
(5)   [digest] = noop
(5) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(5) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(5)   [suffix] = noop
(5) eap : EAP packet type response id 80 length 253
(5) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(5)   [eap] = ok
(5) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(5) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(5)   group authenticate {
(5)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(5) eap : Request found, released from the list
(5) eap : EAP/peap
(5) eap : processing type peap
(5) peap : processing EAP-TLS
  TLS Length 582
(5) peap : Length Included
(5) peap : eaptls_verify returned 11 
(5) peap : <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0206], ClientKeyExchange  
(5) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client key exchange A
(5) peap : <<< TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 0001]  
(5) peap : <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], Finished  
(5) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 read finished A
(5) peap : >>> TLS 1.0 ChangeCipherSpec [length 0001]  
(5) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
(5) peap : >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0010], Finished  
(5) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 write finished A
(5) peap :     TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
  SSL: adding session 
2c54374903787f84edf1c20ee8cf8a71bb39c8c63f30e574697b821577436c1b to cache
(5) peap :     (other): SSL negotiation finished successfully
SSL Connection Established 
(5) peap : eaptls_process returned 13 
(5) peap : FR_TLS_HANDLED
(5)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 60 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f965d379d95095c27e471c371
(5) Finished request 5.
Waking up in 0.2 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=136, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 0x025100061900
        State = 0x930c2e1f965d379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x258bd54678fdab223698ae4e86af97a5
(6) # Executing section authorize from file 
(6)   group authorize {
(6)  - entering group authorize {...}
(6)   [preprocess] = ok
(6)   [chap] = noop
(6)   [mschap] = noop
(6)   [digest] = noop
(6) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(6) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(6)   [suffix] = noop
(6) eap : EAP packet type response id 81 length 6
(6) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(6)   [eap] = ok
(6) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(6) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(6)   group authenticate {
(6)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(6) eap : Request found, released from the list
(6) eap : EAP/peap
(6) eap : processing type peap
(6) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(6) peap : Received TLS ACK
(6) peap : Received TLS ACK
(6) peap : ACK handshake is finished
(6) peap : eaptls_verify returned 3 
(6) peap : eaptls_process returned 3 
(6) peap : FR_TLS_SUCCESS
(6) peap : Session established.  Decoding tunneled attributes.
(6) peap : Peap state TUNNEL ESTABLISHED
(6)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 136 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f955e379d95095c27e471c371
(6) Finished request 6.
Waking up in 0.1 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=168, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 
        State = 0x930c2e1f955e379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x62f97908b69011a30e4a5e669ce06722
(7) # Executing section authorize from file 
(7)   group authorize {
(7)  - entering group authorize {...}
(7)   [preprocess] = ok
(7)   [chap] = noop
(7)   [mschap] = noop
(7)   [digest] = noop
(7) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(7) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(7)   [suffix] = noop
(7) eap : EAP packet type response id 82 length 59
(7) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(7)   [eap] = ok
(7) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(7) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(7)   group authenticate {
(7)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(7) eap : Request found, released from the list
(7) eap : EAP/peap
(7) eap : processing type peap
(7) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(7) peap : eaptls_verify returned 7 
(7) peap : Done initial handshake
(7) peap : eaptls_process returned 7 
(7) peap : FR_TLS_OK
(7) peap : Session established.  Decoding tunneled attributes.
(7) peap : Peap state WAITING FOR INNER IDENTITY
(7) peap : Identity - TEST\user1
(7) peap : Got inner identity 'TEST\user1'
(7) peap : Setting default EAP type for tunneled EAP session.
(7) peap : Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x02520015015a4f4f504c55535c6173646631323334
server  {
(7) peap : Setting User-Name to TEST\user1
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 0x02520015015a4f4f504c55535c6173646631323334
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
server inner-tunnel {
(7) # Executing section authorize from file 
(7)   group authorize {
(7)  - entering group authorize {...}
(7)   [chap] = noop
(7)   [mschap] = noop
(7) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(7) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(7)   [suffix] = noop
(7)   update control {
(7)   } # update control = noop
(7) eap : EAP packet type response id 82 length 21
(7) eap : EAP-Identity reply, returning 'ok' so we can short-circuit the rest 
of authorize
(7)   [eap] = ok
(7) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(7) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
(7)   group authenticate {
(7)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(7) eap : EAP Identity
(7) eap : processing type mschapv2
rlm_eap_mschapv2: Issuing Challenge
(7)   [eap] = handled
} # server inner-tunnel
(7) peap : Got tunneled reply code 11
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x8abb48828ae852f8102b63fc437692fc
(7) peap : Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 11
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x8abb48828ae852f8102b63fc437692fc
(7) peap : Got tunneled Access-Challenge
(7)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 168 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f945f379d95095c27e471c371
(7) Finished request 7.
Waking up in 0.1 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=99, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 
        State = 0x930c2e1f945f379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x3732ac156e76595657a5221130446fab
(8) # Executing section authorize from file 
(8)   group authorize {
(8)  - entering group authorize {...}
(8)   [preprocess] = ok
(8)   [chap] = noop
(8)   [mschap] = noop
(8)   [digest] = noop
(8) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(8) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(8)   [suffix] = noop
(8) eap : EAP packet type response id 83 length 107
(8) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(8)   [eap] = ok
(8) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(8) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(8)   group authenticate {
(8)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(8) eap : Request found, released from the list
(8) eap : EAP/peap
(8) eap : processing type peap
(8) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(8) peap : eaptls_verify returned 7 
(8) peap : Done initial handshake
(8) peap : eaptls_process returned 7 
(8) peap : FR_TLS_OK
(8) peap : Session established.  Decoding tunneled attributes.
(8) peap : Peap state phase2
(8) peap : EAP type mschapv2
(8) peap : Got tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 
server  {
(8) peap : Setting User-Name to TEST\user1
Sending tunneled request
        EAP-Message = 
        FreeRADIUS-Proxied-To =
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        State = 0x8abb48828ae852f8102b63fc437692fc
server inner-tunnel {
(8) # Executing section authorize from file 
(8)   group authorize {
(8)  - entering group authorize {...}
(8)   [chap] = noop
(8)   [mschap] = noop
(8) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(8) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(8)   [suffix] = noop
(8)   update control {
(8)   } # update control = noop
(8) eap : EAP packet type response id 83 length 75
(8) eap : No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
(8)   [eap] = updated
(8)   [files] = noop
(8)   [expiration] = noop
(8)   [logintime] = noop
(8)   [pap] = noop
(8) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(8) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
(8)   group authenticate {
(8)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(8) eap : Request found, released from the list
(8) eap : EAP/mschapv2
(8) eap : processing type mschapv2
(8) mschapv2 : # Executing group from file 
(8) mschapv2 :   group MS-CHAP {
(8) mschapv2 :  - entering group MS-CHAP {...}
(8) mschap : Creating challenge hash with username: test1
(8) mschap : Told to do MS-CHAPv2 for test1 with NT-Password
(8) mschap :    expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -> 
(8) mschap :    ... expanding second conditional
(8) mschap :    expand: %{User-Name} -> TEST\user1
(8) mschap :    expand: %{%{User-Name}:-None} -> TEST\user1
(8) mschap :    expand: 
--username=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-None}} -> 
(8) mschap : Creating challenge hash with username: user1
(8) mschap :    expand: %{mschap:Challenge} -> 05ac8b071ffed031
(8) mschap :    expand: --challenge=%{%{mschap:Challenge}:-00} -> 
(8) mschap :    expand: %{mschap:NT-Response} -> 
(8) mschap :    expand: --nt-response=%{%{mschap:NT-Response}:-00} -> 
Exec-Program output: Must change password (0xc0000224) 
Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext: Must change password (0xc0000224) 
Exec-Program: returned: 1
(8) mschap : ntlm_auth says password must change
(8)   [mschap] = reject
rlm_eap_mschapv2: No MS-CHAPv2-Success or MS-CHAP-Error was found.
(8) eap : Handler failed in EAP/mschapv2
(8) eap : Failed in EAP select
(8)   [eap] = invalid
(8) Failed to authenticate the user.
} # server inner-tunnel
(8) peap : Got tunneled reply code 3
        MS-CHAP-Error = "SE=648 R=0 C=9b268dcbbfadefbba4138c2b12f90353 V=3 
M=Password Expired"
        EAP-Message = 0x04530004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(8) peap : Got tunneled reply RADIUS code 3
        MS-CHAP-Error = "SE=648 R=0 C=9b268dcbbfadefbba4138c2b12f90353 V=3 
M=Password Expired"
        EAP-Message = 0x04530004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(8) peap : Tunneled authentication was rejected.
(8) peap : FAILURE
(8)   [eap] = handled
Sending Access-Challenge of id 99 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x930c2e1f9b58379d95095c27e471c371
(8) Finished request 8.
Waking up in 0.1 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 32783, id=44, 
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = 
        Acct-Session-Id = "cf76c8d5-000000fc"
        NAS-Port = 236
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        NAS-Identifier = "AP"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Framed-MTU = 1496
        User-Name = "TEST\\user1"
        Calling-Station-Id = "A1-23-DF-79-F0-B9"
        Called-Station-Id = "00-A1-B1-4D-D4-78"
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        EAP-Message = 
        State = 0x930c2e1f9b58379d95095c27e471c371
        Attr-26 = 
        Attr-26.8744.250 = 0x00000003
        Attr-26.8744.249 = 0xc0a81489
        Message-Authenticator = 0x6f7dc3389c985148f3853c3f8e6644a3
(9) # Executing section authorize from file 
(9)   group authorize {
(9)  - entering group authorize {...}
(9)   [preprocess] = ok
(9)   [chap] = noop
(9)   [mschap] = noop
(9)   [digest] = noop
(9) suffix : No '@' in User-Name = "TEST\user1", looking up realm NULL
(9) suffix : No such realm "NULL"
(9)   [suffix] = noop
(9) eap : EAP packet type response id 84 length 43
(9) eap : Continuing tunnel setup.
(9)   [eap] = ok
(9) Found Auth-Type = EAP
(9) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(9)   group authenticate {
(9)  - entering group authenticate {...}
(9) eap : Request found, released from the list
(9) eap : EAP/peap
(9) eap : processing type peap
(9) peap : processing EAP-TLS
(9) peap : eaptls_verify returned 7 
(9) peap : Done initial handshake
(9) peap : eaptls_process returned 7 
(9) peap : FR_TLS_OK
(9) peap : Session established.  Decoding tunneled attributes.
(9) peap : Peap state send tlv failure
(9) peap : Received EAP-TLV response.
(9) peap :  The users session was previously rejected: returning reject (again.)
(9) peap :  *** This means you need to read the PREVIOUS messages in the debug 
(9) peap :  *** to find out the reason why the user was rejected.
(9) peap :  *** Look for "reject" or "fail".  Those earlier messages will tell 
(9) peap :  *** what went wrong, and how to fix the problem.
  SSL: Removing session 
2c54374903787f84edf1c20ee8cf8a71bb39c8c63f30e574697b821577436c1b from the cache
(9) eap : Handler failed in EAP/peap
(9) eap : Failed in EAP select
(9)   [eap] = invalid
(9) Failed to authenticate the user.
(9) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
(9) # Executing group from file /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
(9)   group REJECT {
(9)  - entering group REJECT {...}
(9) attr_filter.access_reject :         expand: %{User-Name} -> TEST\user1
(9) attr_filter.access_reject : Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
(9)   [attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
(9) eap : Reply already contained an EAP-Message, not inserting EAP-Failure
(9)   [eap] = noop
(9)    policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {
(9)   - entering policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {...}
(9)    ? if (reply:EAP-Message && reply:Reply-Message)
(9) ? Evaluating (reply:EAP-Message ) -> TRUE
(9) ? Evaluating (reply:Reply-Message) -> FALSE
(9)    ? if (reply:EAP-Message && reply:Reply-Message) -> FALSE
(9)     else else {
(9)    - entering else else {...}
(9)     [noop] = noop
(9)    - else else returns noop
(9)   - policy remove_reply_message_if_eap returns noop
(9) Finished request 9.
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
(9) Sending delayed reject
Sending Access-Reject of id 44 to port 32783
        EAP-Message = 0x04540004
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
Waking up in 3.7 seconds.
(0) Cleaning up request packet ID 201 with timestamp +12
(1) Cleaning up request packet ID 219 with timestamp +12
(2) Cleaning up request packet ID 186 with timestamp +12
(3) Cleaning up request packet ID 210 with timestamp +12
(4) Cleaning up request packet ID 64 with timestamp +12
(5) Cleaning up request packet ID 60 with timestamp +12
(6) Cleaning up request packet ID 136 with timestamp +12
(7) Cleaning up request packet ID 168 with timestamp +12
(8) Cleaning up request packet ID 99 with timestamp +12
Waking up in 1.0 seconds.
(9) Cleaning up request packet ID 44 with timestamp +12
Ready to process requests.

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