On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 01:49:27PM +0100, Phil
Mayers wrote:
> On 24/07/12 13:26, Andrei Petru Mura wrote:
>> radperf -s -f ../users.csv -p 800 -a pap auth radiussomething
>> < 0.1s     : 3758
>> < s        : 5897
>> < 10s      : 344
>> I would need a sever able to manage a much
>> greater amount of users ( > 50000, up to
>> 1000000).
> The number of users isn't too important, I
> suspect.

Number of rows shouldn't matter much (O(log N))
for database. It may matter for radperf, but you
don't need to have _all_ of your users in
users.csv for this.

> Try this: convert your SQL users into a "users"
> text file, like so:
> username      Cleartext-Password := "password"
> ...and disable SQL, then re-run the test.

Exactly. I would have suggested to test without
SQL overhead myself. Then you can compare the
result to PostgreSQL (and probably, to other DBs,
like MySQL, Oracle/DB2, bdb/gdbm etc if you like).

With best regards,

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